Operation Outbreak (1/3)- A Broken Promise

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The chopper gave us a view overtop London. There were many monsters wrecking havoc on the townspeople that weren't infected. I couldn't stand the sight of it.

"You aren't lookin' too good Renegade. Can't stand the sight of all these monsters?" Smoke asked.

"Yeah. It is just difficult to cope with the fact that London is falling under a ruined state."

"I hear ya, but we can't control what happened. All we can do is contain this virus and prevent it from reachin' anywhere else."

"We are over the drop zone, I wish you three luck and I'll pick you up at the evac point," Jäger said.

The three of us jump out of the chopper and prepared for any combat. Doc signals a halt as Jäger gains altitude.

"Hold on. We need Thatcher to explain the mission," Doc said.

"I second that," I said.

"Do you three copy?" Thatcher asked.

"Yes," the three of us said.

"This mission involves you disarming a few bombs that contain traces of the virus to prevent it from spreading. Mute created a few defusing jammers that you will use. First, you must locate the bombs throughout King's Cross. There should be a total of two."

"Got it."

"I think we should hurry. My gut is telling me that it won't stay this quiet for much longer," Smoke said.

The three of us scan around the area for any hostiles. There was no one around which was very unsettling. It gives you that creepy feeling that one monster can appear out of nowhere and scare the crap out of you like in an apocalypse. Smoke takes a peek around and spots the marketplace.

"Ok lads, my gut tells me that there will be a bomb in this marketplace," Smoke said.

"I think we should deal with the rabble coming straight for us," I replied.

A group of monsters is approaching us. I prepared my supernova as I turned to face them.

"Did nobody tell them that we were coming? Let's give them a good show," Smoke said.

These monsters didn't stand much of a chance against the power of three shotguns. Many were ripped apart before they could even touch us. Doc noticed a very eerie red light coming from one of the stalls.

"I think that is one of the bombs," Doc said.

"Only one way to find out," I replied.

The three of us ran towards the light. With a scan from my eyenox, I confirmed that Doc was correct. I pulled out one of Mute's defusing jammers and started the process.

"Now we play the waiting game."

"There they are! Don't let them defuse the bomb!" a man shouts.

"White Masks... I thought they would've left London alone after infecting the entire city," Smoke said.

I raise my gun in their direction and open fire. After a few shots, I could hear their screams as they scatter. Smoke manages to pick off the stragglers. I hear the jammer beep to signify that the defusing process was done.

"That takes care of one."

"Only one more," Doc replied.

"Now that begs the question of where the other one would be."

"Renegade, do you copy?" Thatcher said.

"Yeah Thatcher, we defused one bomb."

"Good, but I have some bad news. I determined the location of the last bomb thanks to Lion, but I lost contact with him."

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