Chapter 2

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"Why do I have to?" I heard a smooth male voice say sounding quite annoyed. "Because I have a date and I'm already running late" another voice said and it was a girl I could tell that much. "Can't Alec watch her?" The male voice complained again and I felt myself get annoyed, I didn't need babysitting. For some reason I could quiet open my eyes yet though. "No he left five minutes ago, see you later" the girl said closing a door. "Fuck sake izzy!" The male voice yelled out and all of sudden my eyes popped open and I bolted upright "JACE!" I shouted and winced at the pain in my head from sitting up too quickly.

I opened my eyes and saw the gorgeous gold god standing in front of me with a smirk on his face "dreaming of me red?" He said. Good just what I need right now "sorry to bruise your ego goldilocks but not everything's about you" I just wanted to get home and get this blush of my face and him to stop using that panty dropping smirk. "Where am I?" I said hoping that I could find a way home. "My house" he answered in a bored tone. "No shit Sherlock" I repeated getting fustrated that this was going nowhere. He laughed "fiesty I like it" "great, now can you tell me where the hell I am?" I said trying to sound angry whilst whispering.

"Upper east side" he said and my eyes widened. Crap! I love all way in Brooklyn and I told my mum I would only be out for a couple hours. God knows how long it's been. Wait where's my backpack. "Where's my bag?" I said searching the room. "Right here" he held up the familiar blue denim backpack and I was instantly protective knowing that my sketchbook was in there. He passed me the bag and I checked my phone luckily it was only 1:30pm. Mum wouldn't be to worried about me hopefully. I put my hand over my heart and let out a breathe. That's when I also realised I was wearing a very revealing top and black jeans with heeled boots instead of my green hoodie jeans and converse.

Jace seemed to follow my gaze and his eyes undressed my body. "Ignoring the fact that you changing my clothes whilst I was unconscious is super creepy. Where are the clothes I was wearing I need to get home" I said starting to stand. As I stood on my feet my knees wobbled and jace caught me before I fell to the ground. He picked me up bridal style and held me there for a while. I wasn't complaining either, feeling his muscles around me certainly felt good. "Izzy dressed you not me, and your clothes are being cleaned from vomit" I instantly paled "you can't go home just yet, I've got to watch you and make sure that you don't have a concussion" he said and I just nodded I heard words but didn't understand what he was saying all I could feel were his arms around me.

" room and fuck your brains out?" "WHAT?" I said snapping back to reality. He laughed at my wide eyes "just trying to get your attention" and I lightly punched him. "Please can you just take me home, my mum will look after me?" I asked pleading I wanted to be in my own bed. He suddenly turned serious "you can't tell her or anyone about what happened in the alley" he said and immediately I was flooded back with memories of Sebastian too close. "Your kidding right?" I asked him surely this was a joke "do I look like I'm joking?" He asked coldly, finally putting me down "he almost raped me and your asking me to protect his reputation! I yelled and he paled and looked down at the ground. That's when I clicked, that's exactly what he was asking. "Oh go fuck yourself!" I yelled grabbing my bag and walked out the door.

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