Chapter 7

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Jace POV

The whole morning was torture knowing she was right down the hall from me in that tiny piece of material looking so hot. I almost launched myself at her but thought the better of it. She was different from most girls and I found that endearing. I almost walked straight past Sebastian and the boys before they grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back "day dreaming herondale?" Sebastian asked with a smirk on his face. "Yes, it was quite lovely. We were sitting on the porch together hand in hand drinking ice tea and watching the sun go down" I said mockingly before flipping him off. Honestly I have no idea why I hang out with him, he's a complete an utter dick. I guess it's just one of those things.

The guys spoke about how short kaelies skirt was today (a topic that I was usually interested in) but my mind kept going back to Clary. First seeing her seductively teasing me in my room, then when she saw me wet from the extremely hot shower and then without warning the picture of her pushed up against the wall by Sebastian popped into my head. I wasn't happy anymore. Why did I lie for him? Thinking about what could've happened if Alec hadn't gotten there in time. I look over to him to see that he's got a big grin on his face and he winks in the direction of seelie and Kaelie. My anger somewhat subsides as I see Izzy join them. Weird I swear her and clary were coming to school together, maybe Clary went home to get changed before coming.

Just as I had turned to talk to Alec the entire hall went dead silent and I looked around to see what had grabbed everyone's attention when my eyes landed on Clary. She had stopped right in the doorway and met everyone's eyes. She looked incredible. I knew that I was getting hard just staring at her but I couldn't find it in myself to move. I was frozen and apparently so was the rest of the school. She put her hand on her hip and smiled a seductive smile before walking towards me and the boys. She winked as she passed me and went for Sebastian. What the hell?

"Sebastian" she said in a sultry tone. I almost growled I hated hearing his name come from her lips. She placed a finger over his lip and looked him dead in the eye "thank you" was all that she said before flipping her long red hair and continued down the hallway disappearing. I was the first one to move and everyone else looked completely and utterly shocked except for Magnus, Izzy, seelie and Kaelie. I walked over to Izzy and I saw Kaelies expression change from jealousy to happy once she saw me "I need to talk to you" I said grabbing Izzy's arm and leading her into an empty classroom.

"What was that?" I asked trying to not remember Clary being in close proximity to sebastard. "That was Clary, you know the friend of mine who slept over yesterday?" She said making it out like that didn't just happen. Before I could ask her anything else people started to walk in getting ready for home room.

The entire day Clary was all anyone could talk about and from what most of the guys were saying, I didn't know how much longer I could take it without punching something. When she walked into the cafeteria at lunch she grabbed some celery sticks and came over to my table. She sat down practically on Sebastian's Lap and placed a celery stick in her mouth making eye contact with me. I knew what she was doing but the question was why? Suddenly all thought was lost when she took of her leather jacket. She was wearing what looked to be white lacy see through in some areas lingerie. I almost choked on my apple. "Fuck baby, I could so just-" I immediately stood up stopping Sebastian from continuing and walked over to Clary taking her arm and walking her out the cafeteria.

When we got to the art room she was giggling and if I wasn't so angry/confused it would've been adorable. "What the hell are you doing Clary?" I said trying to sound somewhat normal. She smiled at me and stopped giggling "what's wrong jace?" She said grabbing another celery stick that I didn't see her take. She put it in her mouth and moaned. It took everything I had to not push her against the desk and fuck her senseless. "Clary stop" I said huskily. "Why? Don't you want me?" She said pouting at me and I couldn't help but lose all confidence. She looked so good and I wanted her so bad. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my chest. She leant up to my ear and whispered "kiss me" she leaned back and looked at me deep in my eyes. "Fuck it" I said and then I was kissing her.

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