Chapter 5

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It didn't take izzy long to drag me to literally all, and I mean all, the clothing stores in the mall. The first shop we went too she insisted I bought this dress, I had to admit it did look pretty good on me despite the short length and slutty design. Its when I looked at the price that I thought twice this tiny piece of material was $500! No way in hell would I buy it. "Come on clary there's a price to pay for beauty" she said paying for it. I thanked and soon enough she was buying everything for me. I wasn't all that comfortable with it but she reassured me every two seconds that money wasn't an issue.

To my surprise it was only 8pm when we finished I was shocked that it wasn't midnight, at least one thing hasn't changed I still hate shopping with a burning passion but considering how amazing izzy was to me I thought I'd owe it to her not to complain too much. When she pulled up he driveway I was in shock. Yes I had been here before and I wasn't that awestruck but could you blame me I had a really bad headache and stormed out it's not like I was exactly focused on the architecture. When she stopped the car she laughed at my stunned expression and went to get the bags out the car.

After four trips we managed to finally put the last bags down and collapse on her bed. "No offence izzy but shopping is the worst thing in the world" I said stretching out. "You say that yet all the clothes we just bought will change your mind" she said excitedly. I just rolled my eyes at her and walked out her bedroom in search for the kitchen. Before I made it even four steps I collided with someone. "Jesus sorry" I said rubbing my forehead, I looked up to meet golden eyes and I frowned. "Don't give me that look, you ran into me. I was on my way to the shower someone poured cheese fries on me today" he said pointing to the mess that was his hair. Damn it, it still looked really good. "Tragic" I said sarcastically and we both went our seperate ways. God he irritates me. He could just stand there and I would want to jump at him. Though that might be for a different reason but can you blame me he's sex on a stick and I'm just a virgin. I thought about this as I found the kitchen and turned the tap on to get some water.

Would he ever go for someone like me? Yeah I'm a little nerdy but after all the shopping we just did nerd is definitely not the word I would use anymore. Plus even if he did go for it would just be a one time thing. No commitments. Everyone at school knows that Jace is a player. Maybe that's exactly what I need someone who is willing to just get the deed done and over with. Yes exactly so when I finally do meet someone special I will be good at it but that's even if he even thinks of me like that. "Clary!" I heard my name and I snapped back into reality to see that I was staring into space whilst the water was running and to the side of me was a dripping wet jace with a towel wrapped around his lower half. It hung low on his hips barely leaving anything to imagination. I was suddenly very turned on and seeing all his muscles just made it ten times hotter. "Hello earth to red" he said annoyingly and all of sudden my illusion was shattered.

"What?" I asked grumpily. He motioned towards the tap and I turned it off. "Thank you, you know I like to shower with hot water not burn my skin off in an inferno hot water" he said stepping closer to me with a smirk. "Whatever" I just replied heading up the stairs towards izzys room. "Good you're back it's time for the makeover" she said jumping up and down clapping and I knew I was already regretting this. Izzy definitely took her time but it was all worth it when I looked in the mirror. My hair which was usually frizzy was now in soft curls and my makeup was a black smoky eye with a pale pink gloss. "Woah" I said not quite believing it's me "I know, I'm a genius" she said obviously proud. "Alright now to try on an outfit I picked out for you" she walked me over to the bed and pointed at the green silky nightgown that looked like it covered nothing. I paled at the sight but realised it was only to test and no one but izzy would see me in it. I tried it on and to my surprise it actually hugged what little curves I have and made my boobs and bum look bigger. I was already in love with it, it made me feel sexy.

"I'm pretty tired and we've got a big day tomorrow " izzy said yawning "I'll show your room" I was confused I thought I was just sharing her bed but oh well. We got half way down the hall when she gave me directions and headed back to her room. I tried to remember what she said but after today I was esxtremely tired and just opened the doors to find a perfectly made nice white bed. "Finally" I said happily to myself "clary?" A voice called from the darkness I turned to my left to see Jace standing next to a wardrobe wearing only black boxers. I tried very hard to not look at his body but my eyes betrayed him. I was ready for the smirk and cocky remark when I noticed he was checking me out as well. Deciding on starting now instead of tomorrow I put my hand on my hip slightly bunching up the gown and stepped closer "see something you like herondale" I asked sedductively. He didn't say anything just kept looking over my entire body, I started slowly stepping closer till I could feel his heavy breathe on me. "Can I ask you something?" I said in a sweet tone trailing a finger up and down his bicep, he just nodded. "Can you show me.." I let the anticipation hang for a while "where my room is" I said stepping back and watching the expression on his face go from confused back to blank and again he just nodded and showed me the way. "Thanks, night" I said and he left without saying a word. Weird

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