chapter 17

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"Put it in" i said between kisses he pulled back and looked at me with an excited expression. "Are you sure?" he asked unsure if he should, i simply nodded whilst biting my lip. "okay" he said as he reached around and started grabbing remote controls for both of us. Jace had just recently got the new Call of Duty and to say we were excited to play would've been an understatement. the game starts and once i take it all in a small comes across my face. when we got to his house we were completely alone and we both agreed to just have one more afternoon filled with no drama together and once we agreed to that we started making out. Jace mentioned his call of duty collection and now we were here. "You know as much as i love COD this isn't exactly what came to mind when you said you wanted to be alone with me" he said smirking and i lightly punched his arm. without warning memories of sebastian came flooding back and i was frozen. "Clary are you okay?" jace said, his voice full of concern. "Jace i cant do that with you" i said suddenly surprising both him and myself, i saw the look of hurt flash across his face "no don't get me wrong, i really REALLY want to" i said sitting in his lap straddling him. his expression shows that he understood.

"Clary as much as i'm enjoying this position i don't know how much longer i can sit here and not touch you" he said pained. i mumbled an apology with a huge blush on my face and climbed off his lap. we continued playing games for the rest of the night. when i finally looked at my phone it was midnight, shit. "Well looks like the fun is over" i said standing up and stretching, jace had a confused look on his face so i showed him the time. i gave him a smile before beginning to walk out. "wait, stay here tonight" he said standing up and walking over to me. as much as i knew i probably shouldn't my head was nodding before i could even register it moving. he took off his shirt and i let out a gasp of surprise and then immediately hated myself for doing so. he smirked at me as he unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall. i stood there gawking at his incredible body and all of sudden my eyes were working their way down to his- "Do you want to borrow a shirt?" his voice interrupted my naughty thoughts and i nodded not trusting my voice.

as soon as he threw me his shirt he climbed into bed and kept his eyes on me. i tried not to blush but it wasnt like i had ever gotten undressed in front of anyone, except maybe izzy. i managed to avoid his stare and focus on taking my clothes off. sadly i was only wearing white cotton bra and matching underwear not really very sexy, but i wasn't about to take them off so he could see everything. pulling the top over my head i got into bed and it was like my body could sense his warmth. his arm came around my waist and pulled my back against him. he felt so warm and safe that i didn't want this night to end. i wasnt sure what would happen tomorrow so i knew this might be my last chance with him.

i turned around and placed my lips against his. the kiss quickly deepened and sped up. i manoeuvred so i was now straddling him and moved my hips against his. instantly he moaned and i could feel him getting turned on. he pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Are you sure?" he said in a barely audible whisper. "Yes" i said, my breathing now incredibly heavy. we continued kissing when he flipped me over so he was on top. this is how my first time should of been. jace should've been my first. "wait jace" he stopped for a second looking worried "it's okay we can stop if you want" he said smiling at me. "no it's not that, it's just.." i didnt know how to word this properly. "If i hadn't of been so stubborn, sebastian wouldn't have raped me and would still be a virgin right now" i tried to look away from him but he pulled my chin up to look at him. "I don't think i'll ever forget what happened with him but can we pretend that at least for tonight it didnt happen?" i asked suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "Clary fray, i would be honored to be your first" he said smiling before kissing me lovingly, i giggled and started tracing his biceps whilst he started kissing my neck. i felt his arms move around to the bottom of the shirt and pull it over my head. i guess i was wrong he would be seeing everything.

once his shirt was on the ground next came my bra. usually i would be embarrassed and try to cover myself up, but the way he is looking at me right now makes me feel anything but embarrassed. his hands run the sides of my body and i hum in appreciation. his left hand stops at my hip and then starts to go towards my belly button. i laugh a little being a bit ticklish, but thank god he doesnt stay there long instead his hand starts going lower and lower until his reached exactly where i need him the most. i moan loudly in surprise. he presses kisses along neck as he continues pumping one finger into me. i moan again when he adds another. i can feel him smirking against my neck. i dont know whats got into me but suddenly i need him now. i run my hand down his amazing abs and move my hand under his boxers until i can feel him. he stops with me and groans in pleasure and i smile. i move my hand up and down and i realise just how big he is.

out of nowhere he pins my arms above my head with one hand and pulls off my underwear and his. his positioned at my entrance and has let go of my hands. he looks at me for confirmation and i nod. i've never needed someone more than i need him right now. he enters me and its euphoria.

The Morning

i wake up and feel something very warm on my face. i look up and see im lying on Jace's naked chest. i smile remembering last night but as quickly as the thought comes i look at the time and realise i have to go. finding my bra and underwear off the floor and put them on. i also put on my jeans. i look around for my shirt but cant seem to find it. finding no other option i take Jace's shirt and write him a note.

'I'm sorry i had to go, i'll see you at school today once everything is explained. last night was the most amazing night. -Clary'

that should do. i walked out of his room carefully shutting the door trying not to wake him. "Clary?" izzy's voice from behind me startles me, i thought no one was home. "oh hey iz" i said hoping she wouldnt read too much into me leaving her brothers room, at 7:00am, wearing his shirt. the smile on her face tells me otherwise. "i though it was you" she said and i looked at her, confusion written all over my face. "Well i had a date last night and got in late around 10 to 1:00 this morning." she hinted and my face went pale. "Did you hear...?" i didnt finish my sentence because i was to worried about her answer. "you mean did i hear you saying "Oh jace! dont stop!" no not at all" she said winking at me. oh good god. "is anyone else home?" i said suddenly paranoid. "Nope" she popped her p. "okay, i have to go but i'll see you at school" i said heading for the door. "Bye sexy girl" she said mocking me and i flipped her off before leaving. great now it's time to set everything up i pulled up my video from yesterday and sent it to simon. he replied back with 'Green light' after today everything will make sense. i hope.

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