Chapter 15

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"I know you lied to me and not just about sebastian." he said in what sounded more like a frustrated tone more than anything. Did Izzy tell him? Surely she would've warned me or something. "I dont know what you're talking about.." i said quietly, at least i knew that was the truth. "You know what i'm talking about. Your clothes, the fact that you care about how your hair and makeup looks, your attitude..." he sighed "You've changed" he said almost in a whisper. suddenly i was furious. "I've changed? that's what your so angry about the fact that i've started acting a different way? well i'm sorry jace that i'm acting exactly like what people think of me!" he went to speak but i wasnt finished "AND IM SORRY JACE, BUT WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I WAS NORMAL? OH THATS RIGHT YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW I EXISTED UNTIL THE INCIDENT WITH SEBASTIAN!" that stopped him and as i processed what i had said i realised i was exactly right. Jace had never even heard of me until Alec saved me. I tried hurting him and ended up hurting myself in the process. "So this whole" he gestured to me "Is because i never noticed you before?" he asked and i slapped him right away. "This was never about you Jace" i said before throwing the door open and noticing a huge crowd with cameras all pointed. they no doubt heard every word. "Glad you enjoyed the show" i muttered before walking out the front doors to school but not before hearing a small evil laugh coming from Kaelie. that bitch

i plugged my earphones in and walked to my house hoping to block the entire world out. when i reached my room i slammed my door shut in frustration, thankfully no one was home. "UGH STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!" i yelled to no one. "Why couldnt i just continue through high school like the invisible no one, that nobody cared about. Not even Jace. "Ugh stupid golden prick thinks everything is about him" i started pacing around my room to calm me down when i got a brilliant idea.


"Glad you enjoyed the show" she muttered before storming off. everyone's eyes followed her and when she left they all fell on me "Problem?" i asked and just like that everyone scattered. everyone except kaelie, great. "I got held up, but i'm all yours now Jacey" ugh jacey? really? "Not in the mood" i said walking towards the gym, i needed to walk off some of this steam. she stopped right in front of me and started trailing her finger down chest "Come on, i'll make it worth your while" she said desperately. "Kaelie, i told you no. so why dont you go screw whatever else you can find okay?" i said and she glared at me, but i couldnt find the strength to care. i walked to the gym and threw my shirt off and started to work out blocking out everything.

"...JACE HERONDALE, IF I HAVE TO CALL YOUR NAME ONE MORE TIME.." i heard izzy's voice and immediately put down the weights, izzy can be scary when she gets angry. "What?" i said wiping the sweat from my head. "I SAID have you apologised yet?" she said waving her arms about like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Apologised for what?" i said fully facing her now "For being an ass, i heard what you guys where talking about in the closet." i shrugged not knowing what to say. i knew i should apologise but she was still keeping something from me. "You cant seriously be this stupid!" she yelled and rolled her eyes "come on jace it's not that hard to guess, even i know.." she clasped her hand over her mouth and my eyes widened. this whole time she knew what clary was doing. that's why she became friends with her so quickly, they both knew clary's plan "Izzy what was her plan" i said very serious. "No way am i telling you, i will say this though, her plan didnt work." she said with a sad look on her face and with that she left. "IZZY!" i yelled after her but she just ignored me and kept on walking. That's it, i'm going to Clary's house i dont care if i have to break down her door. I'm finding out what her plan was.

i dont even remember leaving the gym and now i was somehow at clary's house, i knocked on the door and much to my dismay her brother answered. "What do you want Herondale?" eh said coldly. i dont have time for this. "Look whatever your problem is with me can wait, i need to have a really serious important talk with clary" to my surprise he let me and didn't follow me to her room. as i approached her door i was about to knock when i heard her talking, i leaned closer to hear her properly. "... so now you know the truth. You happy?" i didnt wait for anymore and burst into the room. she dropped her phone. "You need to tell ME the truth right now."

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