Chapter 11

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Jace's POV

i watched her storm out the party and i think i saw her cry. i wanted to go after her and make sure she was okay but i was still so angry. she was so stubborn not listening to iz. if she had sebastian might not have.. ugh i cant even think about him grabbing her wrists and pulling her towards him. she's so small and fragile how could he ever touch her like that, especially without her permission. i had no idea i was moving until sebastian was standing with his back turned to me. "...She was literally begging me to fuck her, so i did. i guess she couldnt get enough after the first time" suddenly i grabbed him by the hair and threw him backwards and started punching him in the stomach. i couldnt stop not after what he had just done. i felt hands being placed on my hands to pull me back and only then did i finally stop. everyone stood looking at sebastian shocked. he was lying on the floor almost motionless. i turned around to see that it was alec that pulled me away. to be honest it was probably a good idea any longer and sebastian would have been unconscious. i looked back down at sebastian to see him looking up at me with anger "What the hell herondale?" he yelled. "You touch her again and i'll make sure everyone knows what really happened that day in the alley" i threatened before storming out the door.

once outside i took a depth breathe and started to calm down. thats when it clicked. clary. shit i let her leave by herself when she was in a bad state. i tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. it was no suprise. after what i said to her i'm sure she hates me. i know i shouldnt have said it and the minute i did i saw the hurt come across her face but in that moment all i could think about was sebastian inside of her and it drove me mad.


Clary's POV

simon and i spent the entire weekend watching sci-fi movies, turns out we have a lot in common and it was nice to be able to forget about everything for a bit. i was pretending to be someone i'm not for so long it felt good to be me again, that's why when today came i was suddenly sick to my stomach. i had a lot to answer for and i knew none of it would be pretty. i decided to go for black jeans, a graphic pink floyd shirt and converse with a huge black hoodie that i'm hoping will hide me enough that no one would recognise me. when i got to school i was late, i had to walk seeing as my mum had left for work and izzy wasnt currently speaking to me. i had tried all weekend calling her but she never answered. i opened the doors deep in thought not realising everyone was in the halls watching me. i snapped back to reality very quickly and looked at a few faces. some were emotionless, others were laughing and some just downright glared at me. great. i caught a glimpse of gold and found jace immediately. everyone else around seem to disappear and all i could see was him. i stood for a couple seconds staring at him until finally he caught my eye.

he looked at me for a couple seconds before closing his eyes, shaking his fingers through his hair and walked off. i guess i deserve that after everything that i've done to him, but a part of me was a little disappointed after all i was the one who was raped and he knows that. the whole day felt like it would never end, but i didnt make eye contact with anybody. i knew my role now was to be that slut who slept around and had a reputation but everytime someone reminded me of it i was instantly brought back to what sebastian had done to me. it was my fault and i had to live with it completely alone. when art came around i was a little bit perkier finally a class i could enjoy. i would just sit with my headphones in block the world out and sketch. "Class today i want to try something different, instead of individual self assements, i would like to see how everyone see's each other" the teacher said and i groaned inwardly just what i needed. "I will put you into pairs and you'll sketch what you see about the other person" she started to list off pairs and each time she didnt use my name i let out a breath. the last thing i needed was some picture of me with a million guys to be drawn. " stephanie and Michael, clary and Jace" the teacher said and i snapped up to look at her.

i couldnt breathe, for one thing i didnt even know jace was in this class and another im pretty sure he hates me. god seriously is my entire life a joke or what? i could hear jace apprcoahing me to sit down but i kept my head down unable to look at him after this morning. we didnt speak but instead got to work right away. when the bell went signalling school was over we passed each other our sketches and left. i was terrified to see what he had sketched for me, who knows what he was thinking. i waited until i got home but when i did i couldnt take the suspense anymore. i opened my bag and looked down at the paper.

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