Chapter 16

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" now you know the truth. you happy?" i finished talking but before i could stop recording my door burst open and in walked jace "You need to tell ME the truth right now" he said not playing games, 100% serious. i just stared up at him in shock and then i remembered the video. i pressed the button and let out a sigh. "earth to clary?" he said getting impatient. i stood up and walked over to him "I promise i will explain everything you just have to wait until tomorrow. i said hoping it was enough. "Why cant you just tell me now?" he said crossing his arms. "i want to, but some things are harder to say when you know that someone you care about will be disappointed in you" i said lamely playing with my fingers trying to distract myself.

"clary.." he whispered lifting my chin up to look at him. "you don't know that i will be disappointed" "Trust me on this you will-" before i could finish, someone cleared their throat. i looked at the doorway to see my mum with a smug look on her face and her arms crossed. i then realised how close me and jace were standing. taking a few steps back, i let my head fall this couldn't get worse. "Clary will you and herondale stop fooling around for two seconds so i can tell you that mum is-" he stopped, taking in the scene before him. "Thanks jon" i said sarcastically. "Mr herondale, would you like to join us for dinner? i would love to call you by your first name but unfortunately, along with many other interesting details my son provided me with your name isn't one" she said smugly still.

"He has plans actually mum" i said not wanting to discuss any of this anymore. "Oh those, they aren't important. i would love to have dinner with you Mrs fray and my name is Jace" all of a sudden her smug impression was gone and she blushed a little at his gorgeous smile, ew. "Dinner will be ready in 10 but i'll leave you two to talk" she said, great just the last thing i want to do right now "Oh and clary keep your door open" she said winking at me. i rolled my eyes but jace just laughed a little and for some reason i couldnt help but laugh as well. soon we were both hysterically laughing at completely nothing, i guess after all the fighting and drama it felt good to have an awkward parent conversation.

"Dinner" my mum called and thats when the laughter started to slow down. when we got to the table our faces were both back to their grim impressions. we had been eating for at least 20 minutes in silence until mum spoke "So Jace how long have you and clary been having sex?" she said matter of factly, i on the other hand started coughing and choking on water "Mum" i groaned once i could breathe properly. "What? i just want to know my baby is being safe" she said sweetly, oh how i wish i could flip her off right now. "We haven't.." i let the word go "had sex, she means" jace finishes and i shoot him a glare. mum drops her fork against the plate "No wonder there was copious amounts of sexual tension when i walked in before" she said laughing to herself "Oh my god mum please for the love of all that's good and just please stop taking about sex" for the rest of the dinner my mum went into full detail about how natural sex is, i felt like dying every second she continued. "...masturbation. you know i've heard you-" "OKAY MUM PLEASE STOP!" i yelled standing up and thankfully she finished.

"Is everyone finished their food" she said smiling proud of herself. "i kind of lost my appetite when you started talking about clary masturbating" jon said and at that i slammed my head against the table repeatedly. "Clary like i said before its completely natural, everyone does no need to feel embarrassed. i sure your brother and jace have done it many times" she said as if she was just talking about the news. "Well thanks for the awesome dinner, i'll be going to drown myself in bleach now" jon said disappearing. "Yeah jace could you drive me to izzy's i need to talk to her about something" for the first time since my mum started talking about sex i looked at his face to see him smiling, figures. "sure" we both got up and began walking out the door "oh clary.." my mum said following us, here we go "Dont worry Mrs F, i have protection" he said i swear to god i wanted to castrate him. "good boy" she said smiling and with that i pulled jace outside the house "what the hell ja-" he cut me off with his lips. the kiss we desperate and fast. if we werent on a sidewalk in the middle of public right now, who would've known what would happen.

"Again, what the hell?" i said a little dazed now. "it was so cute to see you squirm the whole time, your mum was talking about sex" he said and hearing his voice low and husky was doing weord things to me. i craned my neck to the side allowing him to kiss me there and he did. it felt so good, i forgot where we were until i heard someone wolf whistle. jace laughed against my skin and it sent a shiver down my spine. "We need to go" i said suddenly, he continued kissing my neck "Where?" he said between kisses. i pulled his head back and looked at him properly. "Somewhere we can be alone" i said seductively, i heard  him growl before leading me towards the car

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