Chapter 10

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Clarys POV

the next couple of weeks jace and I ignored each other, he would flirt with the girls at the table we both sat just to show how much he didn't care and it just made things so much easier for my plan to continue. I was currently sitting between Jordan and Simon. Simon was necessarily popular but then again neither was I. I flirted with both of them and every now and then when I could feel jace looking at me I giggled at the boys. It was childish but after what happened in the art room I wanted to prove to him I didn't care. "Clary are you coming tonight?" Jordan said snapping me from my thoughts. How long was I not paying attention for? "Tonight?" I said innocently. "Me, Sebastian and a few of his buddies are coming to his place tonight for drinks" bile rose in my throat and I wanted to say no way in hell, that's when I caught jace's eye. He shook his head no to tell me not to go which made me immediately mad. Who did he think he was saying I can't go. I know I was playing with fire but suddenly I didn't care.

"Yeah that sounds like fun" I said and I could see Kaelie and seelie laugh and whisper about me, this is what I wanted. Jace got up and stormed away and I laughed "clearly someone has blue balls" Jordan said and I stopped, as much as I was mad at jace I could tell I really pissed him off and somewhere inside me I was angry with myself.

Just as I finished getting ready for drinks at Sebastian's place my phone started ringing and I knew it was Isabelle.

"Hey Izzy, what's up?" There was silence for a little bit before she spoke "Clary I know what the plan is, but do you really think this is the best way to go about it?" She said and suddenly I started feeling annoyed. She was the one who agreed with me and said it was a good idea now she's backing out "I told you what the plan was, tonight just gave me the perfect excuse" I said trying to not sound annoyed. "Clary listen, what if your plan doesn't work and Sebastian tries something" "I won't let that happen" I argued "Clary stop being so stupid! You couldn't stop him that first time in the alley and you won't be able to stop him tonight and with the other guys there as well who knows what you will do" I didn't know what to say because deep down I know she was right "I'll be fine" I said my stubbornness taking over, there was silence again before finally she said "don't expect Alec, me or jace to save you, you made your bed you have to lie in it" and with that she hung up the phone. Now I was royally pissed. Throwing off the jeans and shirt I had on, I changed into that tight black dress that Izzy bought me and threw on some black knee high boots.

After twenty minutes I had got to Sebastian's house and I could hear music coming from inside. I walked in to be greeted by a whole party and was instantly confused. I scanned the room to find Sebastian. I was angry and I just wanted this stupid part of the plan over with. I walked over and started kissing him. Not to long later I was being lead upstairs. Once the door was shut I tried my hardest to talk and keep his mind off doing anything. The plan had worked everyone saw me and Sebastian so by now they assumed I had slept with him. Now came the hardest bit, keeping Sebastian from actually trying anything. He started to kiss my neck but I pushed him off "I don't want to have sex or anything" I tried to say in my new confident voice but it was just a scared one. "It's okay" he said trying to put his hand up my dress. I shoved his hand away but that didn't stop him. He hiked up my dress and pulled down his pants. I tried my hardest to scream but he clamped his hand over my mouth. He was on top of me and then in one instant he slammed into me and I screamed out and burst into tears. I cried the entire time until he finally got off me, but by then it was too late. I fell to the floor and curled up into a small ball. Sebastian looked down at me and winked before he left the room to join the party. I realised how bad of a situation I was in and worse of all I had no one to blame but myself. I sat on the floor in the dark crying quietly to myself thinking about how much of a wreck I've slowly become. Suddenly the door flung open and out of reflex I buried my head in my arms to try and hide. I heard sloppy noises that sounded somewhat like kissing and I looked up to see Kaelie and jace making out. Jace was on the bed lying down and Kaelie was on top of him grinding against him. I wanted to scream but I knew it wouldn't make this situation any better. Without meaning to I let out a sob that was just loud enough for jace to hear.

He pulled Kaelie off him and squinted around the room until his eyes landed on me. "Uh are you okay?" He said obviously not knowing it was me. I nodded but looked back down into my arms. I could hear jace and Kaelie talking but I didn't have the energy to listen. All of a sudden I was being picked up by strong hands and pulled into the light. He instantly let go when he realised it was me and I flinched from the empty feeling that came flowing back when he left go of me. We said nothing and I just stared at the floor. The last time we spoke we were yelling at each other, there wasn't much more to be said now. I felt his hand cup my face and I flinched away from the contact. "Clary?" He asked in a confused tone, I said nothing.

He groaned before turning on the light and taking in my appearance. His eyes raked all over my body and the look on his face was pure anger. "What the hell are you wearing?!" He yelled pulling off his leather jacket and passing it to me, I took it and put around me. It smelled like him and it somewhat made me relax. I liked back at him and his eyes were on my face. "What happened?" He asked his face suddenly a mask. I let my hair fall and cover my face"Did Sebastian hurt you?" He said fuming. I didn't say anything but I didn't need to. Jace connected the dots and was suddenly filled with horrror. He didn't say anything but pulled me into his arms and I cried until I had nothing left in me.

"Why didn't you listen to Izzy?" He said still angry and i pulled away from him. How was not the time to say I told you so. Getting angry and fed up with this night I stormed out of the room and downstairs about to walk out the door before someone grabbed my wrists. I pulled back instantly before noticing jace. Everyone around us had stopped to watch the interaction. "Clary What is going on with you?!" He yelled over the music. Now suddenly I was filled with rage. "What jace, you don't like this new me?" I said sounding slutty and pointing to my outfit. I saw his eyes look down quickly and then focus on my face again. "I liked you before but after tonight" he didn't finish and he didn't have to. I could see the look on his face saying he regrets what he said but I didn't care. He said it.

"Before I slept with Sebastian?" I yelled and I could tell he was upset with himself because he saw how broken I am. "Well I guess I'm a just a no good dirty slut" I said and even as I said those words I tried to fight back tears because deep down I knew that was how I felt and with that I left the party and bawling mess. As I hit the curb I got out my phone and dialed Izzy's number. It rang twice before going to voicemail. I cried even harder. Why did I let things get this messed up. I looked through my phone to find a different number and dialed it hoping the person would understand. After four rings he picked up. "Hey simon, it's Clary

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