Chapter 1

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Clary pov

I was walking through the busy streets of New York admiring all the tall skyscrapers around me. I know that I've seen it all for 17 years but it never gets old. I sit down on a small bench outside a retro looking diner and pull out my sketchbook. I was a little cautious to be sketching so openly (considering my sketchbook was like my diary) but I figured that I was only drawing a building why the need to hide.

After sketching for twenty minutes I decide to give up. It was probably a decent drawing but lately I've been feeling so blocked and nothing has looked good to me. I thought that maybe walking around the city would give me a few ideas but no dice. I started walking the way I came back to my house when I was suddenly pulled into an alley way. I was pushed up against the hard brick wall and I swear I heard a crunch noise. Please god do not let that be my skull. The person holding me turned my face towards him to reveal Sebastian.

Sebastian was the biggest creep in school. He was on the football team and had girls hanging all around him and even I had to admit he was hot, with white blonde hair and deep black eyes, but just like most guys on the football team he was an arrogant jerk. "Fuck" I hissed touching my head hoping it would ease the headache I now have "what do you want Sebastian?" I asked venom in my voice. He said nothing but stared into my eyes hungrily. Suddenly all my confidence was gone I knew what he wanted. I was about to scream before he clamped his hand over my mouth and pinned my arms above my head with his other hand.

"there'll be plenty of time for screaming". whispered in my ear. Where had all this come from? Yeah Sebastian was a jerk but I never thought he would force someone into something. I started panicking then thinking the very worst thoughts. Hoping i could just shut down and block everything out I shut my eyes and let a tear fall.

click* I opened my eyes quickly to see Kaelie standing at the end of the alley with a camera and an evil smirk on her face.

"Thanks Sebastian" she said as she walked off and I looked back to him with a look of confusion on my face.

"Sorry about the interruption babe" he said and I stopped myself from gagging. "I guess since now we are officially alone.." he let the words drone out and inched closer and I was about to scream but someone had pulled him off me. I let out a breathe and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked at the person who had just saved me and was a little surprised.

Standing before me was Alec Lightwood. Alec was a shy guy who was in the year ahead of me and was openly gay. His sister Isabelle was the most popular girl at school and his adoptive brother was Jace Herondale who was the biggest playboy on the football team. They were all gorgeous Isabelle had long jet black hair and deep brown eyes that could melt you instantly and Alec had the same dark hair as izzy but instead had bright blue eyes. Jace was different obviously being adopted, he was golden. Gold hair, gold eyes, golden tan. Everything about him screamed god.

"You okay?" Alec said snapping me out of thought. I nodded slowly confused as to what happened.

I looked down at Sebastian on the ground with a blood nose knocked out. I looked back at Alec and raised both eyebrows and before I could say anything my vision was turning black and I saw Alec running for me

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