Chapter 14

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"you said you're going to save jace? im confused is he in trouble?" izzy asked and i was unsure how she would take this. "No but if he continues to be with me, he might be. Look i know you probably don't want to hear this but you, Alec and Jace were the only ones there for me and i shat all over that and im sorry. i should've listened to you that night but i was stubborn. The point is, everyone thinks i'm a slut and hates me i dont want that for jace so my plan is to tell him i was only using him to get back at sebastian and the whole thing was some kind of jealousy game and that he means nothing to me"

i finished talking and hoped that my idea would be enough. "Clary, i'm sorry as well, Jace old me what sebastian did and no one deserves that. Are you sure you don't just want to tell jace the truth?" she said and i weighed the options but ultimately i knew that still wouldn't help him. "He's better off not knowing me" i said letting a small tear fall. "Do you love him?" she asked and the question took me by surprise but i knew my answer "That's why i'm letting him go".

The Next Day

"Hey Clary, what time does your brother come home from work? i was thinking maybe i could come round and we could watch a movie together?" jace asked me all happy holding my hand. i looked around to see everyone staring at us. i made eye contact with izzy and i could see she felt bad but she knew my reasoning. it was now or never. "What? would i want to do that?" i said putting my confident alter ego on. i pulled my hands out of his and i could see the hurt in his eyes. "I'm confused" he said quietly, a piece of my heart broke and i wasn't sure i could keep up the act. i pushed through the pain and continued. "Let me clear something up for you.

ANy interaction you and i have had was to make sebastian jealous and it quite clearly worked" i said using a devilish grin. On the inside i felt like throwing up. his face turned from hurt to anger. "Sebastian Clary? REally?" he yelled at me and i wanted to burst out crying but i knew i had to do this, for him. "it was always sebastian" i said a bit more serious now. that hit him hard i could tell by his face. he wasnt angry anymore he was destroyed and it destroyed me to see him like that. without another word he walked off and i walked towards the bathroom, found a stall and started hysterically crying. i cried for what felt like hours. "Clary?" i heard isabelle come through the bathroom doors. i opened the stall door and she looked at me with a sad expression "Did he believe me?" i asked barely able to form words. she just nodded. i collapsed to the floor unable to stand. "Clary, i can tell him it wasnt true that it was just a stunt to save his reputation" she said trying to help. i shook my head. "He wont believe you or me" i said crying into my hands having izzy hold me.

we sat there for awhile before i could hear heels clicking against the floor coming towards the bathroom. i looked up at izzy and we both hid in the stall. if someone saw me it would make the whole argument look fake and i needed everyone to believe if jace did. when the heels walked in i could hear the high pitched voice of Kaelie. Great. "What a slut!" i flinched i knew she was talking about me. "Did you see jace's face, he was so sad" her main follower seelie said.

"She probably told him she loved him and slept with him just to get with sebastian, i mean how low and desperate can you get?" Kaelie said re-applying her lipstick. "Wait does that mean that you and jace are back together?" seelie asked and i went numb i needed to know if they were back on. before i stepped into jace's vision, he and Kaelie were dating on and off. "Well nothing is set in stone, but he did ask me to meet him in the janitor's closet after lunch today" she laughed as they walked out of the bathroom. "What the hell? i get that he's hurt but what does hooking up with kaelie prove other than exactly what i thought would happen?" i couldn't breathe i was pacing back in forth "Clary breathe, dont listen to her" i couldnt help it, all i could think about were her words and laughter.

the day went on and as much as i tried i couldn't ignore everyones constant remarks about me as i walked passed. i was sitting at my lunch table that was completelY empty and i couldnt help but picture jace and kaelie in the janitors closet, kissing, touching and the more i thought about it the more i couldnt let it happen. i saw jace getting up and walking out. kaelie waited for a couple minutes when i met izzy's eyes. i sent her a text 'distract kaelie'. she nodded and started talking about meliorn. everyone knew she loved him more than anything, good thinking izzy. i ran to the closet and closed the door and just as i was about to say something i heard jace's voice

"It's about time" he said and i could tell he was annoyed. i on the other hand was confused. "what?" i said quietly. "please clary, i saw you around school today you looked miserable. almost as miserable as me, i knew you were lying this morning when i saw you leave the bathroom after kaelie left" he was clearly still angry. "wait how did you know-" "after i walked away from you, i realise what you told me didnt make sense. why would you be trying to make me jealous when sebastian raped you? so i turned around and saw you run off to the bathroom. then i hatched a plan of my own and told Kaelie to meet me here after lunch hoping you would intervene somehow and then i said her lipstick looked like it was coming off" he finished and i stared at him in astonishment. "So why'd you lie clary?" he asked and i had no answer for him.

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