Chapter 8

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Izzy's POV

I could hear music coming from the library and I instantly knew it was jace, no one else could play the piano so brilliantly. I loved listening to him play. When he did he it was like he was showing his most vulnerable side of himself. I listened through the door and when he stopped I heard him let out a sigh. I quietly knocked on the door. He opened it and barely looked at me as he sat back down shutting his eyes and running a hand over his face. He seemed conflicted. "Jace?" I said suddenly worried about my brother. He was rarely ever this open with me usually by now I would get some cocky remark causing me to roll my eyes and walk away. "I don't get it" he mumbled to himself, I waited for him to continue "I kissed Clary" he said looking down at the piano keys without a hint of emotion on hid face. Mine however was filled with shock I felt my mouth drop open. I knew of clarys plan but I didn't think that she would do it to jace. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but still he hasn't really done anything to her. "The weirdest thing is that she was all into it and then two seconds later she walked off texting someone and giggling like nothing had even happened?" He said trying to find answers in his own question. "Look you know what happened with Clary and Sebastian. Whatever is happening now, you need to stay out of her way" I said maybe a bit harshly. I felt bad for not only jace but Clary as well. Jace was the biggest player I had ever met and even though Clary is doing what she is doing now she is still that sweet, quiet, kind hearted girl underneath and I've really liked hanging out with and if jace breaks her heart or the other way round it's not going to be good for anyone. Jace looked at my face looking somewhat disappointed and then his walls came back up. "Izzy if little red wants a piece of me, it would be extremely rude to deny her that" he said with his signature smirk. I huffed and walked out the room leaving my ass of a brother to himself.

Clary POV

I don't know why I did it? I guess I was trying to tease him a little but I didn't expect him to kiss me. I could still feel his lips on mine, soft but urgent. Like he was trying to claim me as his. Come on Clary this is jace herondale we are talking about all he cares about is sex. From now on I'll keep the teasing up but make sure there is no way he can kiss me. The only way I can see that happening is if I focus all my attention on Sebastian. Yeah that way I can focus on revenge rather than some idiotic crush that will never happen.

The next day everyone was waiting in the hall for my grand entrance and I was expecting it. Today I was wearing a loose green dress that was tight in certain areas and showing off my cleavage. Well what little I did have but it seemed to be working no matter what. I walked over to my locker and went to grab my English notebook when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to see Jace and for a small second my new confidence faltered and I stared wide eyed. I saw that he noticed but before he could say anything I said "hey jace want to go to the art room again?" Smiling seductively. I could see his expression change to one of confusion and I could see his eyes roaming my face looking for something I was just unsure as to what. This wasn't working he wasn't getting as riled up as yesterday and I couldn't have him figuring out the plan. "What's in the art room?" Sebastian asked standing next to me. As much as I wanted to jump away from him I knew this was the only way to continue the plan and get jace off my back. I turned and kissed Sebastian.

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