Chapter 4

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The picture was from pretty far away so you couldn't tell I was crying in fact it looked like I was okay with it, which is what made it ten times worse. I clicked on the comments and none of them were good. 'Whore' 'she probably got a disease' 'eww Sebastian I'm not surprised' 'redheads are always the crazy ones' 'I saw her with jace herondale not long after, probably had sex with him too' I forced myself to stop reading. How could people be this horrible? I didn't understand I was almost raped yesterday and everyone thinks I'm the slut? God life is cruel.

All day I tried to avoid the snickers and comments from guys asking what my going rate was, but around lunch time came the worst of it all. I had just finished lining up to get food and as I started walking towards a table I heard someone call my name "clary babe" I looked over to see Sebastian with the rest of the football team including jace and Alec. I froze I was definitely not going over there but I didn't want him yelling anymore. "Oh come on, the whole school knows how wild you are by now. No need to be shy" he said laughing as the other guys joined in. I looked at Alec who looked furious and I was a little thankful but when I turned to see Jace he had a small smile on his face. I'd wipe that smile right off.

I started walking towards the table and I swear the whole cafeteria stopped. Everyone's eyes where on me but I stood confidently and approached the football team. The looked genuinely surprised to see me and I gave them a fake smile. "Sebastian your absolutely right, the whole school knows everything" I said hinting hoping he would catch on. He just smirked and high fived jace. "So why don't we give them all what they want?" I said trying to sound seductive, he raised an eyebrow at me and smiled. I wanted to gag so badly but continued the little charade. Picking up my Diet Coke I took the lid off and poured it over his head. The whole cafeteria burst out in laughter and so did the football team.

Sebastian stalked out the cafeteria swearing under his breathe. I watched him leave feeling a little smug. "Damn red didn't think you had it in you" jace said reminding me of the next part of my plan "oh yeah hey goldilocks" I picked up my chilli cheese fries and dumped them on his beautiful golden hair. Such a shame cause he had such gorgeous hair. He looked up at me in shock. I stuck my finger in my mouth getting rid salt and winked before walking out the door myself.

Walking out of school I suddenly had an idea and there was only one person that could help me with assuming she even knew my name. I looked around to see everyone coming through the doors until I saw long black hair. I ran over quickly dodging people and ignoring rude comments "hey uh issabelle?" I said finally reaching her, she turned around and flashed a friendly smile "hey Clarissa right?" She asked in a calming voice "yeah, well no I'm clary" I said feeling the blush come to my cheeks. "Sorry I'm rambeling, I was actually hoping I could use your help?" I asked wondering if she was going to actually agree to my plan. "Depending on what you need" she said raising an eyebrow "well I'm sure you've heard some rumors about me recently?" She nodded unsure of where I was going. "Well I have a plan" I said and explained my idea to her and I could tell by the way her eyes lit up that she was definitely going to help me. She dragged me to her car and off we went. As we were driving I sent my mum a text.

Met a new friend, going shopping then staying at hers tonight will be home tomorrow xx

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