Chapter 9

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Jaces POV

I saw her walk in just like she did yesterday but this time in a tiny green dress, similar to the nightgown she wore the first time she teased me. I needed answers to what happened yesterday and what was going on with her in general. I followed her as she got to her locker but she still hadn't acknowledged me. Getting impatient I cleared my throat and she turned to me and looked genuinely suprised. I was caught off guard expecting her to act like yesterday. "Hey jace, want to go to the art room again?" She said suddectively. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely turned on especially remembering how she moaned a little yesterday when we kissed but I was searching for answers on her face. "What's in the art room?" Sebastian said appearing at her side and that's when I knew all hope of talking to her was lost. How right I was because before I knew it she was kissing him. Everyone was staring at them and so was I. She pulled him against her and I fought back a growl I wanted to rip his head off, why was she doing this to me? Why do I care? I could see his hand start to make its way up to her breast and I couldn't take it anymore I reached over and pulled him off of her and punched him in the nose. I felt immediately satisfied when I heard it crack. I turned back to Clary to see she was furious with me. "What the fuck jace?!" She yelled and I was somewhat shocked, the other day she was crying about how he almost.. I can't even say it and now she was all over him? "Art room." I growled at her getting extremely tired of her act whatever it was.

We both walked to the art room without talking and when we got there, there was a kid with dark brown hair and glasses sitting staring at us. I glared at him but he didn't seem to take the hint. Already angry I went to go throw him out when Clary stopped me. She walked over and whispered something in his ear. He went bright red and went to leave as he left he turned at her and she waved and blew him a kiss. I slammed the door in his rat face. "What the hell is your problem today?" She yelled pointing to the door. I was trying to calm down, she literally had my emotions running wild.

"First you ignore me when I talk to you, then you punch Sebastian, then si-" "should I have just let you continue what Alec had protected you from the other day!" I yelled at her finally letting my anger get the best of me. She finally stopped talking and instead looked at me with a shocked expression. "What does it matter to you what I do with Sebastian?" She yelled back to her angry demeanour. "It doesn't" I said and stormed out.

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