Chapter 3

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"Hey sweetie any luck with the sketching?" My mum asked as I walked through the door. I then reminded myself that she had no idea what had happened "actually mum" I started and she looked at me. Did I really need to tell her? Yes he was going to do something bad but he didn't do it because he was stopped. Maybe this whole thing would blow over. "I completely forgot" I laughed trying to play it off I could tell she wasn't convinced but luckily for me she didn't push.

I entered my room and fell on the bed. I started to close my eyes when I remembered what jace had said. That I may have a concussion. Groaning in frustration I sat up and began reading a Tale of two cities.

2 hours later

knock knock* "clary can you get the door?" Mum yelled I bolted awake haven fallen asleep whilst reading. I walked towards the front door of my apartment still half asleep and opened it to see Jace. "What did I tell you about sleeping red?" He said with what I think was a smirk I was too tired to tell "shhh" I said putting my finger to his lips to stop him talking. To my surprise his lips felt soft "I'm only 60% sure your actually standing here right now" I said swaying. "Sorry for this" he said walking into the apartment gathering water into his hands and splashed me. I immediately woke up and was now very angry so much in fact that I slapped him. "What was that for?" He asked as though it hadn't affected him. "The other 40%" I said grumpily wiping the water off my face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still cleaning myself off. "Don't know, Alec said something about making sure you were okay and now that I have see ya" he said in a bored tone and walked back out the door. Asshole. I walked back into my room and fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and I groaned. Part of me wished I had a concussion just so I didn't have to go to school. Haying strength I most definitely didn't have I walked to my bathroom and got ready. Seeing as my high school was only four blocks away I took my time not really caring all that much if I was late. When I left my house I realised I was checking everyone around me to make sure there were no repeats of yesterday.

Thankfully I had made it to school without being pushed into an alley. I stared up at the big front doors and let out a sigh of relief. Then the bell rang making me officially late and I groaned. I ran into my home room earning a glare from my teacher, Mr Birdy. He's hated me since I started here. My old house was across town in manhattan so I was always late. I took my usual seat and opened up my phone to check Facebook nothing else to do anyways. Scrolling down my feed seeing people posting pictures of parties, drinking, Sebastian pushing me up against a brick wall, cupcakes..! Wait what? I scrolled back up to see a picture of Sebastian holding my arms above my head in the alleyway form yesterday. Of course Kaelie had posted it but the worst thing about it all was the caption;

Dirty nerd slut loses virginty to guy in alleyway

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