Chapter 6

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Clarys POV

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I yelled to myself as I paced the guest bedroom. I hadn't slept a wink since jace left. Why did I even try to act seductive around him? It clearly did nothing and it probably made things super awkward between us. Maybe I should forget this whole plan, is a different day maybe everyone has forgotten about all the drama with me and Sebastian. A small knock came from the door and I stopped pacing and tried to control my breathing as I realised I was hyperventilating. "Yeah" I tried to say calmly. The door opened revealing jace wearing only his pj bottoms with no shirt. I tried so desperately not to stare but come on I'm only human.

After a couple seconds I snapped back to reality "Izzy needs you" he said with a smirk on his face, clearly satisfied that he caught me. I just nodded not trusting my voice and went to walk past him. As I did I felt heat radiate off him and he quietly whispered "payback" before walking towards his room. Asshole. I shook my head clear of the thought of jace getting undressed and headed to Izzy. It took longer than last night to get me ready for school but I knew in the end it would all be worth it. Izzy had to make sure every little thing looked above and beyond perfect and I was pretty sure we were the only ones in the house by the time we finished.

The whole ride to school I felt anxious. It was one thing to come up with this plan but another to actually go through with it. What if when everyone see's me they laugh? I'll be even more of an embarrassment than I already am. God I don't want to do this anymore, I want to be old clary fray who hides underneath her mop of wild frizzy curls, the girl who eats in the art room at lunch because no one even knows the exists. "Clary, trust me you look amazing! The plan will work, just try to remember what happened at lunch yesterday and how confident you were. You will need that when you walk in" Izzy said concentrating on the road, I'm

So glad I have her with me, I don't know how I would've done this without- wait "you're not walking in with me?" I said suddenly getting more anxious "trust me you'll have some with you all day, but for what your planning you always need to be available and if I'm with you 24/7 it won't give off that vibe but at lunch it's very important that you strut over CONFIDENTLY to my table" I stared at her in shock. How the hell was I supposed to do that. Kaelie and seelie and everyone I hate sits at that table.

Before I could ponder on it much longer we pulled up and thankfully we were the only ones in the lot, but I knew that meant everyone was in the hallways talking before class, perfect for my entrance. Izzy turned to face me and did one last check before smiling and walking into the school. I looked down at my outfit. I had on a white lacy lingerie looking too with tight black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and killer high heel boots. My hair with dead straight which was a nice change and my eyes were smoky black. I had to hand it to her, Izzy does a good job at making me look hot. Suddenly feeling every confident I stepped out of the car and went to walk in the doors

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