Chapter 12

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I looked down at the drawing and suddenly burst into a huge laughing fit. After the past couple of days i have had it felt good to finally laugh. Jace had drawn me as a stick figure, the clear indication of it was that the stick figure had bright red hair. My laughter started to slowly come to a halt, i had noticed in the middle of my triangle dress that it had a beautifully detailed broken heart. All the laughter had faded and instead i stood there staring at the page deep in thought. There were two ways that this picture could be interpreted. 1. that he thinks i'm becoming a heartbreaker, which is totally hypocritical coming from him by the way. Or 2. He thinks that i'm broken. I honestly think its more likely to be option 2. "UGH I HATE YOU JACE HERONDALE!" i screamed into my pillow trying not to cry at all the confusion i had brought on myself. 'ring ring RIIII HNNNNGGGGG!' i pressed accept without seeing it was "WHAT?" i said grumpily. "I can't believe you!" jace yelled at me from the other side of the phone. everything stopped. did Izzy tell him the game? about how i planned to end it? shit this is not good at all. "Jace" i said quietly just about ready to cry "Clary don't even try to lie to me, i know exactly what you did" i could feel the tears leaking from my eyes "Jace i- how did you find out? did Izzy tell you?" i asked hoping to god it wasn't her. "Izzy? what does she have to do with you having sex with simon all weekend!" he yelled and now i was just as angry.

"WHAT! I didnt sleep with simon at all" i yelled back and i could tell he didn't believe me. "Bullshit clary, sebastian was going on about how he was fucking you all weekend long because you wanted him so bad" i almost threw up hearing that. "Then simon comes out of nowhere saying that you were sleeping with him all weekend and showed Alec a picture of you in just a shirt cuddled next to him" i felt like punching a wall, everything was majorly screwed and everyone thought that i was some whore who slept around with every guy and now even worse jace believes it too. i started to cry and i didn't even care that it was loud and he could hear. i didnt have anything left and no one to turn too. Simon was the last person i had and he was just some jerk who wanted to prove that i slept with him and not sebastian. "Damn it Clary!" Jace said before hanging up the phone. i dropped to my knees and started hysterically crying until i was physically numb. It all just went black.


I was too nervous to look at the drawing clary did for me, i know she's really good at art and i'm terrible. I think back to staring at in art class trying to think about what i was going to draw. I laugh a little thinking about stick figure clary. Finally sitting down on the couch i pull the piece of paper out and unfold it. Theres a picture of me with angel wings. she's managed to capture every facial feature so perfectly, i was truly astounded. i heard my phone going off and i recognised Alec's ringtone immediately. "Hey" i said still focusing on the drawings, maybe i should call her and see if she's okay. i was kind of a dick to her today at school and she didn't deserve that. "Jace I have to tell you something.." he sounded serious "What is it?" i was focused on him now suddenly worried. "I was with sebastian and the boys and he was going on about how he was with clary all weekend because she just couldnt get enough and out of nowhere simon comes over and shows us a picture on his phone of him and clary cuddled and she was only wearing a shirt, he said that he was the one with her all weekend and that he picked her up from the party" my blood was boiling and there were so many people i was mad at but the only person i wanted to talk to was Clary. "Bye Alec" i said hanging up the phone.

I dialed her number and after a few rings she answered "WHAT!" there was no way she's mad at me after everything she's done. "I can't believe you!" i yelled unable to think of any words to say at this point. She was quiet for a couple seconds "Jace" she said quietly and it took all of my self control not to forgive her and run to her. "Clary don't even try to lie to me, i know exactly what you did" she was quiet again and then she spoke "Jace i- How did you find out? Did Izzy tell you?" i knew she was lying but what did izzy have to do with this? "Izzy? what does she have to do with you having sex with simon all weekend!" i started getting angrier by the second. "WHAT!" she yelled and seemed suprised which confused me further. "Bullshit clary, sebastian was going on about how he was fucking you all weekend long because you wanted him so bad" i almost threw up hearing that. "Then simon comes out of nowhere saying that you were sleeping with him all weekend and showed Alec a picture of you in just a shirt cuddled next to him" okay so i know simon didn't say sex but he did imply it. Minutes passed and there was no sound coming from her end of the phone then out of nowhere i heard loud sobs and instantly i knew she was crying. all of my anger subsided and all i wanted to do was to hold her and tell her everything was okay because i'm here for her. for gods sake i must seriously love her. WAIT WHAT? LOVE? each cry broke my heart further. "Damn it Clary!" i said before hanging up and driving to her house.

When i got there i knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. when there was nothing i started to get really worried. i picked up the welcome mat and found a key, i put it in the door and searched for clary's room "Clary are you here?" i said and i got nothing in response. i decided i should probably leave when out of nowhere i heard a loud thump coming from a behind a door in the hallway. i opened it to find clary on the floor completely unconscious. i rushed over to her and picked her up. i put my ear against her mouth to make sure she was still breathing and thank god she was. i held her close and as if sensing my presence she started to open her eyes. she looked up at me and smiled before leaning into my muscular chest. i was so happy she's okay. i kissed her head and all of a sudden she jumped from my arms. "What are you doing here?" she asked angry again. "clary much as i have tried to stay angry at you i can't seem too" i said scratching my head. "YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT I WOULD'VE SLEPT WITH SOMEONE RIGHT AFTER WHAT THAT ASSHOLE DID?" she said and i realised she was right "AND WHAT DOES YOU PICTURE MEAN? I'VE COME UP WITH A MILLION DIFFERENT OPTIONS AND NONE OF THEM-" i crashed my lips to hers. she didn't respond at first but then started kissing me back. it wasn't hot and heavy it was sweet and vulnerable, the way i wanted it to be the first time.

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