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The monsters were all destroyed, but where there was good there was always bad to come out and strangle it. The camp's population was split in half.

"It's your fault, Percy! You're the reason everyone's gone!" Annabeth shouted in a grief-stricken voice. How? Percy had yet to find out.

People started nodding in agreement. The nods turned into shouts.
"It is his fault!"
"Yeah, death follows him wherever he goes!"
"It's his scent, he's got the strongest scent here!"
"His stench lead the monsters right here!"
The things he was accused of didn't make sense, but they needed someone to blame. And Annabeth was using that to her advantage.

The rest of the day was like that. Percy getting taunted. The looks of disgust. The whispers everything he came around. He had already stopped speaking to the rest of the Seven, but they were still his friends. They just had godhood now and couldn't come and protect him every time he was getting tormented.

But Percy was happy for them. Frank and Hazel's relationship was going as strong as ever, and they made good examples for the rest of the gods on what marriage should be. They already had a few good examples but the gods need as much help as they could get. Jason and Piper too. They were like the power couple, who usually did everything perfectly and looking lovestruck doing it. They really set goals.

Leo was now a god, and he has a relationship going on with Calypso. She still looks mildly annoyed with him at times but the look of love in her eyes is unmistakable.

Percy was glad that they were all happy and he didn't want to bring his problems to them. Plus, he can handle himself. At least he hopes so.


Percy woke up to shouts and Estelle shaking him. "Percy! You have to wake up! The gods want you!" She yelled. Percy groaned. He was exhausted. P.J. started jumping up and down at the foot of his bed. "Percy! Peercy! Peeercy! Percy Whatever your middle name is Jackson wake up this instant!" P.J. yelled, stamping his foot in frustration at the son of Poseidon who hadn't budged.

"Okaaaay mom." Percy slurred with a yawn. He rolled out of bed and hit the floor so he could wake himself up entirely and picked himself up off the floor. He walked out of his cabin only to be greeted with the grave faces of the Olympian Council. Well mostly grave. Poseidon looked depressed, Hestia looked worried, and Hades looked impassive.

"You, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, have been convicted of treason for aiding evil forces to break our barriers and slaughter our children. If you tell us our enemies' plans, we'll show you mercy and kill you now. If you don't, we will take joy in watching writhe in pain."

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Percy defended himself. "Very well. Artemis." Zeus nodded to Artemis who got an evil glint in her eye. "No one fools me and gets away with it. You can have a head start. You're taking the mortals with you. They have no importance here." She spat at him.

Percy shook his head in disbelief. Not only are they making false accusations, but they are also making his little siblings suffer with him. "I didn't do anything!" Percy said, trembling with anger. "The clock is ticking." Artemis taunted.

Percy glared at the maiden goddess. "I've stood with Olympus through everything, even when sometimes the enemy had some valid points on why you should be destroyed. Good luck to you, your hero is dead. And there is no way in hell he'll be coming back." He said, looking Artemis straight in the eye.

He went to his cabin and took a trunk from under his bed. He strapped weapons on and had a load of nectar and ambrosia in a backpack. With riptide in his pocket and a new look in his eye, Percy grabbed both of his siblings' hands and took off.

On his way, he passed the grave of Peleus, his fallen friend, and said farewell to the dragon. And he and his siblings were off, far away from the place he'd called his second home from the time he was twelve.

Percy was on trial, and Artemis is to be his executioner. She has to catch me first. Percy said, clutching his brother and sister's hands in his own.

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