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^^One of my favorite songs. It's great 😂~

Percy smirked as he felt the adrenaline pumping through him. He was ready to fight and buy him some blue cookies. Or anything blue that was edible because he was starving. He held Riptide at a ready as he studied his opponent. As far as Percy knew, his opponent had a very big advantage and disadvantage. Actually multiple of both categories.

He's blind, that can be good, but it also can be bad seeing as he can probably predict Percy's moves from any movements made by the son of Poseidon.

This guy was huge and his chest protected by heavy armor, so Percy had the advantage of speed, but he could be overpowered by the brute of a creature in front of him.

Then there was the whole Gorum learning species' thing. Percy remembered how quick they learned English. Did that also go for fighting techniques? Percy focused on the Gorum's chest, and soon he was in tune with the alien's blood flow. Skratz charged and threw his heavy arm left. Percy blocked with Riptide, and the sound of metal hitting bone filled the room.

The Gorum grunted before he swung his other arm at Percy's head. Percy saw it coming, but Riptide was lodged deep inside of the Gorum's arm and he couldn't remove it fast enough. He put his arms up and blocked his face. Skratz dusty-red fist connect with Percy's forearm, and Percy felt as if his entire left arm had been shattered as he was thrown across the arena. Faster than anyone that size should be able to move, Skratz was next to him and pounding him in the face. "You really think someone as puny as you could beat me?" He said, laughing maniacally. Percy realized something before his vision blurred from all the blows to the head he was receiving. No mechanoreceptors. He isn't blind. That's how he knew what Riptide looked like when it was in pen form.

'You think you can defeat me, with that' he had asked. He has sight. Meaning he relies on it as much as Percy did. At least that was what Percy hoped for. Using his own blood that bled from his lip, Percy made it boil before spitting it in Skratz's eye. Percy put some distance between them, just in case the alien was actually ok without his eyes. Nope. Skratz yelled angrily as he started lashing out randomly, except he hit nothing but air as he didn't know for certain where Percy was.

Percy retrieved a Nemean Lion tooth from his pocket, and with the precision of a huntress, it went straight for Skratz arm. His arm was moving viciously, and he slapped the tooth back into the crowd where it landed and a hush fell over the arena. The tooth had landed between the eyes of the King. Whoops.

The crowd started cheering as the king's body slumped. Even his soldiers seemed happy. Skratz on the other hand had finally got the boiling blood out of his eyes and he realized Percy had killed his king. "How dare you!" He screeched before charging at Percy. Percy didn't hesitate to roll out of the way. Percy scanned for Riptide and saw that it was still lodged inside of Skratz's arm. He took another Nemean lion tooth and ran straight towards his opponent, holding it like you would a pencil. As he ran towards the alien, he pushed it against his forehead. The Nemean tooth cut through quickly, and it didn't kill him instantly. But Skratz realized what Percy had done and he opened his mouth to say something, but he landed with a thud and the crowd went wild.

"AND MAELSTROM HAS CLAIMED VICTORY AS WELL AS FREE US FROM J'VIAR! Everyone give a round of applause for Maelstrom, THE QUIET MAN!" Percy stood there, panting heavily. His arm still felt shattered, he felt as if his face had been arranged three times, and he was still hungry. Percy didn't feel the least bit guilty about the death of the king or Skratz. He only felt the shame of their actions.
~Seven Years Later~
The new king appointed was the son of J'viar, but from what Percy could tell from his actions was nothing like his father. He was young, 21 in Earth years, but that's like 3 here. The people seemed to love him, and he them. He wasn't a fighter, but he was intelligent, and Percy trusted that he would keep Goruk running smoothly.

J'mier was his name' and he could see so Percy hid his identity. Percy figured that it would be a smart idea to hide his identity if he needed to go into hiding as regular Percy.

It was the day that the SolarTravels bus would come, and he told the people of Goruk that he'd be parting soon. There were a lot of tears *ahem* but in the end, J'mier somehow conjured up a whole statue of Percy, all on his own using some machine he created.

The statue was the image of a hooded figure, wielding a sword. The bottom said Maelstrom, the Quiet Man, Savior of Goruk. There was a translation of it in Gorum Latin. Percy had never felt so honored when he was invited by the people and J'mier himself to stay and rule. He politely declined, but they insisted until he said that they could reward him and make a statue if they didn't make him king. The people agreed to those terms. They saw him off as he boarded the SolarTravels bus. Tim looked exactly the same. As tentacle-ly as ever.

"Hello to you too Perry," Tim says. He tossed Percy a map. "Where to next?" He asks. Percy scanned the map. Just like last time, his eyes found and settled on a certain Planet.

Elvin Seis.

It was the planet of elves. Percy now wanted to go to this planet. It's a planet inhabited by tribes of Leos. Who wouldn't?
"Sir, J'viar Se'calem has been assassinated. His son J'mier Se'calem has taken over the kingdom after celebrating with the assassin." Zanthos says. Chaos rubbed his chin. "This assassin. Tell me more." Chaos says. J'viar was an evil and unjust king, but he had made his planets to be independent and he held himself back from interfering.

"He was not of Goruk origin. He walked on two legs but was shorter, smaller, and his voice was quiet. He was intelligent because he picked up on the language of Goruk pretty fast, but you know how that planet is about languages. Speak your native language at all times and the like, his being English. He was hooded and no one saw any specific features we can identify his species with. He went by the name Maelstrom." Chaos sighed. He had no clue where this Maelstrom could've possibly come from. Millions of his planets had residence who fit the description.

Zanthos went into detail on how he fought and killed the planet's champion and king. He seemed to be a very powerful individual, one Chaos could see himself recruiting.

"Maelstrom, eh? How long did he stay?" "About a year." A year. That's how long it takes on Gorum the SolarTravels bus to make a trip around the universe from Gorum back to Gorum. "I want you to go to the next stop of the S.T. bus. Understood Zanthos?"

"Yes, sir."

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