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"We've been at this for three months and we have yet to find the traitor," Luke said. "Are you sure-- and I mean absolutely positive-- that the dream you had was actually you talking to a Void possessed Percy instead of something your mind made up to excuse a crazed Percy of his actions?" Luke asked Randel. The wolf glared, but the form he was in lessened the effect.

His clone body began to break down almost immediately after the dream, and he had to take a different form. And quickly because with Void inhabiting Percy, Randel couldn't return to him. He ended up having to find a new host, a strange-looking child he found out in the woods. It had green hair, green eyes, and sharp teeth with wings like corn husks growing out of it's back. A Karpoi or something like that. Randel had planned to ask the strange child first, but all that went through its mind were the words, 'rice, rice, rice, rice...'

"Maelstrom isn't crazed, and he won't turn evil. Void possessed him. He told me himself." Randel said. He knew he sounded like he was in denial, but he wasn't. "Randel, I know you and Percy are friends but have you considered that he told you to turn us against each other?" The blond one, Will, said. "You have these problems right? The things that you're born with that can put you in a bad situation. His is personal loyalty correct? What sense does it make for Maelstrom to turn on us?" Randel said.

"He's right. And c'mon, you know if anyone's the traitor, it's Annabeth." Nico pointed out. "We can't just assume that Nico," Jason said shaking his head. Clarisse scoffed. "We dam well can assume that." She said. "Whoever it is, Percy hates them. Annabeth is the best bet." Leo pointed out. "She's still our friend!" Jason defended. "But the point being made is that she isn't Percy's friend. We can't exclude her off of the list, Percy and her probably hate each other." Piper said.

"This discussion is boring! You're never going to find out who the mole is on time. You should be discussing how to stop me! Amateur heroes indeed." A Void possessed Percy appeared out of nothing. He was dressed in all black, and the bone-chilling grin he wore on his face looked out of place, like a white horse on a field of darkness. "Oh wow, Randel. You really have let yourself go." He said, blinking twice at Randel's new host.

Luke cursed. "Where is my sword?" Luke said. "I don't really feel like fighting today, having such an annoying and needy host can be tiring. Literally, every five seconds, I have to eat, or I have to use the 'bathroom' or there's this weird thing when he sings this song and attempts to make me dance like does he ever shut up?" Void said annoyed.

Randel knew for one that the Maelstrom he knew rarely stopped talking. Maybe, if they were lucky, Maelstrom would talk Void to insanity. "Anywho, I called a few friends. But you might want to hide your little Siren. I'm sure upon seeing her, her master would want her back. And that goes for the other two slaves when they come back. And there should be some massive ships landing here soon. Don't worry, they'll probably be on your side, but I plan on killing off this planet and everyone on it." Void laughed sadistically before he disappeared.

"Something's off. Void could've destroyed the planet the second he got Percy as a host." Luke mumbled.

"No. His host is fighting him. That one has a powerful mind." Randel felt a new presence in the room and tremendous power. He recognized it though. "Chaos," Randel said. The Primordial frowned in distaste. "Such disrespect. Calling your creator by their first name." Chaos said.

"What other name do you have? Lord? Liks I would ever call you that." Randel said, rolling his eyes. "Oh right. You're still loyal to Order, aren't you? Well, know Order doesn't care about you any more than I do. His only interest was to give that demigod to Void so he could have a host."

Randel scoffed. "That's what you wanted to do--" "No, I thought Castellan would be the better choice. He has such an easy mind to manipulate." Chaos said. Luke looked shocked at Chaos' words. The soldiers didn't say anything and everyone in the room sat in stunned silence until Chaos broke it.

"I'm only here because my brother wants to destroy everything, including yours truly."

"Then why give him a host?" Will asked, confused. "I wanted to give him Castellan, which would make him easy to control and considerably weak, at least compared to what he would be if he manages to control Perseus." Chaos said.

"How do we stop him?" Clarisse asked. "The way I did-- you have to capture him in his own domain. It's funny really. The place where he has all the power but sealed he's completely powerless. Utterly hilarious." Chaos said.

"What would happen to Percy?" Nico asked. "Well, nothing good of course. He wouldn't survive in the Void, and even if we somehow managed to separate him from my brother, he'll either die or go insane. I don't know how it feels personally, but sharing a mind with Void can be traumatizing." Chaos said.

"Percy's going to die?" Leo asked, his eyes widening.

"No, there's another way. You're just not willing to tell us." Randel said angrily. "I have no idea what you are talking about mutt, but you might want to put a muzzle on it before I put you down." Chaos said. Randel snarled but didn't attack. He knew he was unable to beat the creator of the universe, at least not in his current form.

"Is there another way?" Piper asked. It was a question mostly to herself, but the whole room heard it. "Wait... There is another way. Chaos, you yourself explained it to us, but that would take a tremendous amount of power and it would cause the castors to fade. Like it did with your parents." Travis said. "Huh. So you were listening." Chaos said amused.

"But that would mean Order and I working together, but I very well know I'm not going to fade for the likes of some demigod." Chaos finished. "But Void was right. You will have some friendly visitors who'll help you out. Now if you excuse me, it is tea time. Good luck, you're going to need it." Chaos said before he vanished.

And that's the end of this part. Sorry for the late update, once again. Thank you guys so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this part, and until next time

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