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The remaining years on Elvin Seis were long and draining, with Esmerelda's soldiers and warriors prowling the streets. They thought they were looking for the murderer of their brother Alaric. Esmerelda was really looking for him.

Percy had grown tired of his Hestia disguise and had long ago chosen to change it.

He went to the dead center of the town, where Percy had learned what Elfen men wore. Cloaks. Wonderful cloaks that cover everything and Percy could look like himself. Percy had wasted no time in getting one himself.

But, still, he was cautious of every warrior that passed. Luckily today was his last day, and the SolarTravels bus was due at sunset. He just had to survive until then. Esmerelda also knew the schedule of the bus too, and Percy noticed that her forces have tripled, some male-and huge- elven warriors in the mix of his sisters. He would truly miss his sisters, but if they found him alive, they'd more than likely kill him themselves.

Today, it being his last day, Percy wanted to do something. He was bored. Not his fault. So he couldn't be held responsible for whatever disasters happened after he made the decision to go back to the forest he was trained in to find those beasts he had always encountered during those years of training. *cough* *cough*

Over the years, he had used the forest multiple times. Other than his training, he went there often as a nice and relaxing hiding spot from the warriors. He knew this forest like the back of his hand, which means he also knew the most dangerous parts of the forest.

If you continue walking that path from that point on, you'd walk to your death. Percy wasn't sure how, but even he knew not to take chances.

Dead leaves crunched beneath Percy's bare feet. More and more dead leaves came into view as he treaded deeper and deeper into the forest. But, as always, they were soundless.

Percy's warning alarms immediately went off when the dead leaves stopped and instead revealed a long path through a field of green and plush grass. In the dead center was a glamorous tower. A long line of golden-colored rope swayed peacefully in the breeze that wasn't really there. Percy felt no breeze and no wind moved anything, not the blades of grass, the trees, nothing. The only movement Percy detected was that rope.

A voice suddenly broke the silence that Percy had grown accustomed to when he was in the forest. It was a beautiful and sweet voice who sang words that Percy found he couldn't make out. Captivated by the sound, Percy turned to shadow form. His shadow gained a conscious for a second, seemingly warning him to stop walking closer to this wonderful song Percy heard. It was sweet and homely, and it sounded familiar. But why?

Now that he thought about it, he had never seen such a massive tower and never heard such a song. But he couldn't stop moving towards the tower. He was at the foot of the tower, and he struggled against his own body to stop trying to grab hold of the rope, which failed. He climbed, despite the cold wind that suddenly began to blow, despite the howls of warning he heard from them. A resounding crack! filled the air as wind-whipped him across the face, effectively splitting his lip.

He couldn't control his body enough to spit out the blood that had begun to fill his mouth. His body started to head up the tower, and when he finally reached the window, he fell in. He suddenly had control of his body, and a shudder passed through him before he spits out... Blue blood? How many blue cookies has he eaten? Percy looked at it, instantly thinking up ways on how he was going to explain to Estelle on why his blood was blue. Then it turned to its regular red.

Percy touched his lip... Which was no longer bleeding. All of the sunlight that came through the window disappeared like the sun was snatched from the sky. Then his head snapped to the side, a burning sensation began to spread across his face. But he had felt the fist that was responsible. He felt no movement in the darkness, so he could only guess that Hades' blessing was useless in his current situation. And the fact that he had felt burning, his Hestia blessing wasn't going to be much help either. Another fist connected to his face, but he reacted quick enough so that he could grab the offending fist and he had the person in a headlock.

But Percy noticed this person was small. They didn't even come up to his waist, and their wrist was small and almost frail in his hand.

"Please let him go!" The light switched on, and a young woman with a bandanna covering her mouth and a dress that was similar to a cloak stood there, her big blue eyes misty. Percy looked down and saw that he was holding a kid, a young boy, by the wrist and he let go. The boy's knuckles were badly bruised, and Percy bent down to look into the child's bright purple eyes. "You've got a mean right hook, I'll tell you that," Percy said, his sea-green eyes holding the boy's lavender ones, and the small child held his glare with determination. "Why are you here?" The elfish accent was thick and obvious. Percy's glare began to simmer down, but the boy gave up and cowered behind the young woman. "I was walking and I heard singing. I still wouldn't have come but my body-" "Moved on its own? I know why you're here then." The woman said. She froze before adding, "My deepest apologies for interrupting you."

Percy couldn't detect a single trace of elfish in her voice. Her voice reminded him of Siri, emotionless and monotone.

The woman continued. "You heard a siren elf. She's just gaining her voice, and she doesn't quite understand that it is to be used for hunting purposes only and only when she knew how to use it. She's young, it is her mistake." The woman says, but she didn't sound sorry. Her voice stayed the same. "Are you one of the Queen's soldiers? If so, we apologize for such dishonor to our superiors." She said, bowing her head submissively. "You may punish me however you please sir." She continued talking.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold it, where am I?" "You're in the slave chambers, sir."

Hoped you liked this part! Sorry it took longer than usual :/

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