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Percy stepped off of the bus. Thanks to the people of Goruk, he was wealthy and he could buy anything to try and blend in. But as he looked around, the planet seemed deserted. "Elvin Seis. Home to the elven warriors. Blah, blah, dangerous, blah, blah, skillful, blah, blah, kills suspicious figures on sight... Where is everyone?" Percy says, trying to remember everything he had read. The planet was beautiful, mystical even. But something caught his eye, it was like a poster, but more like a projection. It was on every other tree. A picture of a hooded figure with the words Maelstrom, WANTED. The reward was, like, 35 figures, and Percy scowled at the name signed on the bottom. Chaos. In this case, he couldn't even be angry at the Gorums for selling him out, if they even did that. This was the creator of the Universe they were talking about.

It looks like he needs a new name. And a change of clothes. This whole time, he's been in shadow form. His actual clothes are unaffected by anything that hits his shadow form, but gray jeans, a black t-shirt, with blue Nike's probably won't fit in here. But for now, he decided to keep the shadows on. Showing his actual clothes meant he was showing where he came from. Unless these clothes are common on another planet. If Chaos goes to Earth looking for him and figures out that he is Percy Jackson, he'll probably aid them in their search for him. Then Percy is safe nowhere. It's fine for him to think Maelstrom is prancing around with elves for a while. Just until Percy can find a change of clothes.

Just as he's thinking it, a girl, 14 at the most, spots him, standing right next to the wanted sign. Her eyes widen in surprise and fear before she takes off. Muttering Greek curses, Percy started after her.

She rounded a corner but it was a dead end. Okay, she probably lives here with the pointy ears and the mark on her arm. Percy was guessing, simply because the descriptions were very inaccurate on that map Tim keeps giving him. The map said they had pointy ears and purples skin. If that map was accurate he would've been on an island of pointy-eared grapes.

"Stay back!" She said, but she was afraid. She had a thick accent, just not one Percy was familiar with.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not going to hurt you." Percy says, slowly raising his hands, giving her full view of the fact that there was nothing in them.

She calmed down a bit but Percy could tell because of her posture that she was still on edge. "Y-you're that assassin who killed that king and his soldier?" Percy was sure it was supposed to be a statement, but she said it like a question. The girl was obviously scared. Her small body shivered and her big green irises were glistening, and Percy felt bad. "Yes. But..." How do you say you killed them by accident? At least the king's death was on accident. "Why have you come here? Have you come for the queen? I will not let you lay a hand on her you filthy-" "Relax, I'm not trying to kill any monarchs." She seemed to believe him. "Then why are you here?" She asks. "What's your name?" Percy asks, not really knowing the answer himself to her question. To learn about the new planet? He set out with a purpose to get away from the gods. He's away from the gods.

What now?

He's going to be living like this for a little while, but what's his reason? He sighed. He'll figure it out.

"And yours?" The girl asks. "What?" "Were you not listening?" "No not really," Percy says. The girl sighs. "My name is Olympia Zola. What's yours? Unless it's actually Maelstrom." Olympia says. Why must her name be Olympia?

"If I had a real name, what makes you think I'll tell you?" Percy says. "We elves are curious creatures. We have our ways." She said, smirking and razor-sharp incisors seemed to sparkle. It fit in with the beautiful landscape. "Where does all of this bravado coming from? A second ago, you were scared out of your mind." Percy asks, not even flinching from the sight of the fangs.

"That was before I realized that you had no magic energy. You're weak compared to me." Olympia says. "Is that so?" Percy says, his shadow laughing it's ass off. Yes, his shadow can have a mind of its own. No sound came from the shadow, but Percy saw it because it went behind Olympia to mock her.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of," Olympia says. Even though she was small and looked innocent, Percy wouldn't underestimate her as much as she did him. She had crystal green eyes, and her indigo hair was in a crown braid. The mark on her arm was in the shape of a Crescent moon. Her skin was a slight tint of purple.

"You may be right. Maybe you are stronger." Percy says. "But that doesn't make you the smartest. You broke one of the most important rules when it comes to simple survival." He says. He felt the air around him begin to boil. "Never underestimate your opponent," Percy says. The air sizzles and while it wasn't scorching hot, it was enough to cower into a corner.

"What was that about curiosity?" Percy asks. He suddenly felt guilty, so he held out a Nemean lion tooth.  She looked at it weirdly. "What is that?" She asks. "My apology. It's very useful." Percy told her. Olympia took it with, nodding her thanks.

"So... Is your name actually Maelstrom?" She asks quietly. "No...But I cannot reveal my birth name. It will endanger the life of mine and the wellbeing of the ones who helped me get this far." Percy says. No doubt about it, Zeus would punish Hades and Poseidon for aiding me. Hestia... I doubt he'll do anything. And Tim probably knows they're looking for me, he could get into trouble also.

"But your cover name is also going to endanger yourself and those who helped you. You need a new one. Something common among these parts..." She thought. "Alaric. Liore is the common nickname for it." Alaric Liore? Dafuq? "Ok." Percy just agreed. "Now let's get you some clothes."

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