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"Did you have to choose the c-coldest Island you can find?" Iggy said, shivering. Percy had decided on the name Ignatius for the purple-eyed boy, Iggy a nickname. The boy was ok with it, and Bandanna and the little girl liked it. For the girl, Percy decided on Mel, for Melody. Bandanna was Brie, because why not.

Percy had told Mel about the Sirens, how they lead sailors to their deaths and they were almost always depicted as mermaids. There are bird-women people too...

Mel was thrilled, despite the fact Percy was comparing her to fish people that used their voice and the fact that they're beautiful to eat humans. Apparently, Sirens are mute until they gain their voice. The knowledge to speak is natural, and what they say can affect emotions, either positively or negatively. And singing his how they lure their food in, putting the victim's body in a trance, causing peculiar changes to the body and deactivating the mind from the body, so they have no control of themselves. The effect of their song takes a few minutes to wear off after they stop singing, but during those few minutes, prey can move on their own again, but they're too confused to do much. Even without realizing it, Percy's body had been too confused to use his powers.

It gets Percy thinking...

Why is he traveling with one?


She's adorable.

"It's not cold Iggy," Mel said. Iggy then straightened up and he looked as though he wanted to agree before his eyes widened. They then narrowed in anger. "Don't do that Melody!" He yelled angrily. "Both of you quiet," Percy said.

Brie stood silently, examining the planet they had landed on. "Where are we, Assassin?" Brie asked. Percy hadn't given a name for him to be called by, so the children didn't call him by a name, and his name was temporarily 'Assassin' for Brie. "Planet Kaworie. King Kàin is in charge. The Queen Kàin Myola, and their son, Kàin Hel." Percy said. For the first time, he came to a planet that he felt as though that it wouldn't result in killing the monarchy or thinking of killing them. Percy could draw a sword, but that didn't mean he enjoyed to, at least when it's going to kill someone. But, those he kills with his swords or killed period more than likely deserved it he guessed.

"Are you going to kill them, Assassin?" Brie asked suddenly. "What? No!" Percy exclaimed. "And don't call me 'Assassin', we've landed on the planet now, and Star-man has a bounty on my head." "Star-man?" Brie asked. "The creator of the Universe." Percy clarifies. "You mean Ch-" "Don't say his name!" Percy warned. Names have power. And Percy only said Chaos' name when he wanted to piss him off. "Ok, so what should I call you?" Brie asked, looking back to the planet. The land was barren where they were standing, but Percy could see buildings and movement ahead.

"Whatever is fine with me..." Percy said, becoming a shadow. "You want us to call you Whatever?" Mel asked the same time Iggy said, "Cooooool."

Percy stepped into Iggy's shadow, and he appeared again in the shade of a building. He caught a glimpse of one of the beings who inhabited the planet, and he saw... What exactly was he looking at?

They looked like humans. With animal parts.

Each person had some type of animal features. He saw claws, tails, scales, fangs, even wings. There were more, but the point is that Percy saw a lot.

So how was Percy supposed to fit in? He had no animal features. But his cloak should work, as it would cover most of his human features. His hands would be in the cloak, but if made some ice claws and put on something to cover the fact they were ice, he'd have an animal feature and wouldn't be out of the ordinary... Unless people thought him weird for wearing a cloak.

"Just act like you belong here Misty," Brie whispered. Percy jumped slightly at the sound of her voice next to him. Brie, Mel, and Iggy had walked to the village. Percy stood straight. "I guess I have no choice." He said, which was true. He stays on a planet for seven years each.

"And Misty?" He asked as they were walking into the crowd. "Short for Mystery or Mystic or something of the like," Brie said. "Why such mysterious names?" Percy said. "That's all we really know about you. You're a big mystery." Brie told him. Percy nodded, deciding that Misty could've been worse. Like... Gary. And G- Percy wouldn't put it pass Iggy to come up with that idea.

Percy flicked on his hood. He wore an elven man's cloak, but it was more like a hoodie and dark jeans with a cape. Except the cape was all around him... Hard to explain. Pretend he wearing all black, and puts a cloak on. Like that, except its all one. Really difficult to actually put on.

Percy headed off, and his companions followed close behind him. They weaved through crowds, and Percy knew he was looking for something. Not sure what, but he was looking for something specific, and what he was looking for wasn't in these crowds.

Mel stopped where she saw a young girl with flowers in her hair. Percy saw no visible animal features on the child. Mel had stopped and talked to the girl, Brie stopping with her. "You two stay here. Let Mel make a few friends." Percy said to Brie before heading off, Iggy close behind him. With the busy part of the area they were in behind them, Percy examined the tall, treelike houses that were a combination of tree and steel. They looked ancient, and the houses themselves looked as if they were on the verge of falling apart.

A wall of vines with light peeking through caught Percy's attention. He walked towards it and lifted the vines with caution. He didn't know what he expected to see behind those vines, but despite the sunlight peeking through, it was dark.

Percy's eyes slowly adjusted in the darkness before he could see clearly, but he no longer needed his night vision when Iggy's nose sparked and a small flame appeared on it. He touched his finger to his nose and his finger held the flame as he extinguished the one on his nose. Percy examined what looked to be a cave, with writing etched into the side.

The symbols were ragged, and the pictures horrific, but Percy was dyslexic, and it could just be him. "These are old elven languages," Iggy said, in awe. Percy recognized one symbol. Upside down trees in a star position. "Can you read it?" "No... We were never taught." Iggy said sadly. "It's alright. We have pictures to look at, at least." Percy assured him. Iggy looked at the wall more closely.

"It looks like a baby just turned into a butterfly." He said. Percy looked at the scribble on the wall and he had to go with what Iggy says since he himself had dyslexia and couldn't make anything out. "That would explain all of the people out there. Maybe they can turn onto the animals that they share features with." Percy said. Iggy looked closer and his eyes widened.

"That looks like two people, one shorter than the other, holding fire. The other is looking over the one holding fire's shoulder." Iggy said.

"This one looks like... The taller one getting attacked by something." Iggy said. "M-misty, I think we should-" "I smell someone powerful." A raspy, ancient voice says. Percy turned around quickly, Riptide uncapped and ready.

In front of him, stood a 3-foot demonic looking thing. Its eyes were all black, its skin wrinkled and it was hunched. "Welcome to the den of Misery. An Ignatian Elf and a... Demigod."

That's creepy.

I hoped you liked this chapter. Bye!


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