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'Yes. I'm afraid you are.' The dam wolf spirit says. "Shut up," Percy mumbled. 'I would, but you know you have my senses, so even if I were to stop talking...' Noise ricocheted in Percy's mind, drowning out any thoughts. The sounds were jumbled up and came from all directions. Shrill screeches of bird spirits, the earsplitting howl of a distressed animal, the riotous racket of the townspeople at least a mile away, even the blades of grass and the leaves were on full blast.

Percy couldn't hear himself think. He couldn't hear anything around him. He couldn't hear himself scream.

'See what I mean?' The wolf spirit says. The noise stops, and Percy hears his heavy breathing, and could fully comprehend the pain in his head.

"So you talk, and it stops? You're not talking now. How does that work?" Percy asked, his eyes squinting under the sun's harsh rays. The sun here outshined Apollo, and he now looked at nature with renewed hatred. 'I'm blocking out my senses, so the least you can do is let me talk as much as I want. Until you learn to control how much you want to hear, I control it.' "Ah, so you're just being a-" 'That's strange. I'm in your head, but only able to hear your surface thoughts, even they are muffled and incoherent. Is it possible that you don't think at all? Literally, I can't even find your name.'

Percy said nothing to this.

'So are we going to talk about how you have the wrong wolf in your head?' The wolf spirit said after a few minutes of silence. "Name?" Percy asked. 'Randel. Your turn.' "I'll tell you later. What do you know about this other wolf spirit?" Percy said. He had heard the howl of an animal twice. Could it be that spirit?

'There are dozens of spirit wolf packs with 20 to 27 wolves each.' "But there's a reason that he's been singled out, he's different. How do you measure strength?" Percy asked. 'See who's stronger? Well, it's a natural feeling. The strongest are always lone wolves, venturing out to be alone, not needing the protection of a pack. The weakest are rogues, kicked out of the pack because a pack can only have so many wolves. There are chances that rogues are exiled pack members or former pack members who's pack disbanded for whatever reason.' "So it all depends on status? Rogue, pack member, lone wolf. No Alpha?" Percy asked. 'Alpha's are born into the name, not based on strength. Really the one who's in charge of the pack are the lone wolves who patrol the land, keeps threats out-' Percy felt the low growl in Randel's voice when he said 'keeps threats out'. '-and prevent wars from happening on their land.' "So Alpha's are useless and Lone Wolves are more like the queens and kings of the wolfy world?" 'Pretty mu- wolfy world?'

"How many lone wolves are there?" 'Only 12 who don't manage lands dealing with packs. All together would be a hundred but declining. Lone wolves are powerful spirits to host.' "And I had to get stuck with you?" 'Hey! I'm a respected lone wolf!' Percy rolled his eyes.

"You're really the one who killed the first prince?" Percy asked the whining wolf. 'Yes. Yes, I am.' Was this wolf proud at the fact? "Then who's the one they're after?" Percy asked. 'I think we should worry about more pressing matters...' Randel said. Percy was about to exclaim that this was a pressing matter, but he looked down and saw his body had gone through some... changes.

From what he gathered from the whole '''Lone Wolf''' lecture he had gotten, Percy figured his body would not come out unscathed with being fused with one. But with the nine-inch claws replacing his fingernails, the claws piercing through Percy's shoe, and the fact that he was slowly becoming bigger was too much.

"What's going on?" Percy said, his eyes widening. A loud snap was heard, and Percy's body bent backward at a painful angle. I am not this flexible. Hair jutted from his arms. Searing pain spread through Percy's body, and suddenly...

The pain was gone. Percy got up and stretched, and rolled his shoulders bag, not noticing any pain. He shook his head and stretched a paw out in front of him.

"Randel?" 'Hmm?' "Am I a wolf?" Percy asked. 'Maybe?' Percy sighed, which came out as a low growl. "Now answer me- who are they after?" Percy's voice must've held much more authority than normal because Randel whimpered and Percy could feel him scurry to one side of his mind. Did he like have a room up there?

'W-well since you asked so nicely... There is a *slight* possibility that an Alpha took the blame for me when I killed the guy and he has been on the run since... Like... Forever.' If Percy had opposable thumbs and Randel wasn't in his mind, he'd pummel the wolf, but again, that was not the case. "Okay, then you're going to help find and save him. Clear?" 'Crystal. So I'm just going to...' And Percy's vision began to double until it settled, and Percy saw... two versions of the world? He saw the grass, the trees, the sky all the same, but while one side was how Percy normally see it, another one seemed to have been switched to thermal camera.

'We have an Alpha to find. Let's go!' And, without his consent, Percy's body began to move. Yeah, he wasn't going to get used to that.

I know this is long over due, but testing has officially ended!!!

Behold random gif!! But thanks for reading, comment what you think, and did I forget to mention that there are like 4

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Behold random gif!! But thanks for reading, comment what you think, and did I forget to mention that there are like 4.8k reads on this book? 😱😱😱😱

That's it pretty much,

P.S. Don't forget to comment your thoughts!!

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