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"Why would he go there?" Randel asked, puzzled. "To break him. You know, bring up bad memories?" Nico suggested. "He didn't know who to blame for their deaths, so he began to blame himself," Katie said quietly.

They were in the Chaos castle and were in what Randel thought to be Luke's working quarters or off-ice, he believed the human term was. The numbers had turned out to be directions, directions of where Maelstrom's mother and step-father were killed. Their home.

Katie was met with silence as everyone realized that she was probably right. A mortal murderer is so vague, and according to the demigods, the murderer had succeeded in disappearing. No one knew the person who killed Maelstrom's parents.

"Void is using that guilt against him," Will said. "Assuming he hasn't already. Standing around talking about it gives Void more time to do whatever he's trying to do Alaric." Olympia said.

"We need a plan before rushing in--" Luke started. "Yes but waiting too late and the opportunity may close--" Olympia interrupted but only to get interrupted herself.

"Sure but at least we don't die then--"

"We're battling Void, we'll probably die either way--"

"There is strength in numbers--"

"There's death in numbers too. Ever heard of a massacre?"

"How else are we going to get Maelstrom bac--"

"For the sake of a thousand hells, shut up." Randel interrupted the argument. He was met with silence and smoldering glares, but no one spoke. He must've sounded leader-ish. They definitely weren't intimidated by his form.

"First of all, what does the area that Maelstrom's parents lived look like? That will determine whether it's worth picking a fight." Randel said. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Travis asked.

"Quite simple, really. Can't fight anywhere too small since we need all the help we can get. We'll need to fight somewhere we can maneuver our weapons and powers with causing damage to ourselves or to others, especially with the demigods who joined the fight. But that still doesn't mean rushing in. Even with all of the space in the world, we are dealing with Percy's power and then some." Nico said. "We need space to move around," Luke stated intelligently. Randel rolled his eyes.

Rice, rice, rice, rice. The Karpoi said.
You said it, kid. Randel answered, shaking his head. He is just stating the obvious to feel important.

"But being in a tight space could be an advantage. I mean, have any of you seen Percy summon a hurricane from a closet?" Nico asked. "Well, I've always had this sneaking suspicion that he had a thing for blonds, including Lu--" "Not that kind of closet you idiot," Nico said, rolling his eyes at Travis' statement. "Well in that case, no. But he has used his powers in some difficult situations with almost impossible circumstances." Travis said.

"Like that one time when we had cornered him into a room he made the entire building collapse. Killed his target, nearly killed us, and he escaped without a scratch." Luke said, almost grumpily.

"Or during training, he used to beat three of us at once with nothing but a blunt dagger while dehydrated, hungry, and desperately needed to bathe." One of Olympia's top warriors said. Red hair and freckles, Randel recalled her name being Anne.

"What if Vo-- he didn't have access to Percy's power yet?" Will said, almost too quiet to hear. Luckily, everyone in the room was trained to hear even the quietest sounds, so they all stopped and pondered on what Will had just said.

"Why wouldn't he?" Luke asked. "I'm not exactly sure I understand," Katie said. "I... I think I do." Randel said. Everyone looked at him expectantly, even Will. "Well, ask yourselves, 'Why hasn't Void killed us yet?'" Randel said, looking at them to see if they got it yet. "Is it because Percy liked us?" Travis said unsure. "Exactly!" Randel said.

"Uh, Randel, I think the Rice Demon's logic is getting to you," Clarisse said. "I'm saying that right now the deity in question is at his weakest. That dream I had about him saying that someone was here that Percy didn't particularly like? He also said the words, 'Happy host, happy life after destroying this universe and with it my pitiful brothers' or something like that. It was all about trying to make Maelstrom happy, for Maelstrom to give up control. But Maelstrom doesn't break that easily, so instead of trying to buy or earn Maelstrom's trust,--"

"He's going to have to gain control in another way," Clarisse said. "If that's the case, we can attack now," Olympia said. "But we have to do it before Percy goes through any more traumatic experiences," Luke said.

"We have no clue on where Maelstrom is. How are we expected to find him now?" Olympia asked.

"I'm going to bed," Randel announced suddenly. Everyone looked at him surprised. "Um... right now?" Katie said awkwardly. "Yes. Goodnight." Randel said. "What?"

But Randel was already out the door.
He had to talk to Maelstrom's father real quick. There was a god for everything right? Which god would know about that weird-smelling forest in his dream with Maelstrom.

And that's the end of this part. Remember when I said the end is near? I alerted you a little early, but now it's really, really near. If this book makes it past Chapter 43 then oof I messed up but it is reaching the end. Well, I hope you enjoyed this so far,

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