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Percy sat on one of the steps to Order's throne. He had a throne of his own, but it felt weird to sit there. Melody had grown half an inch in the last 3 years of working with Order, and Chaos had been working silently. Percy didn't know what the creator of the universe was up to, but the nightmares were sneaking into his everyday life, scenes of death and destruction lurking in the corners of his mind, projections of evil in its purest form.

But Percy had to admit, it wasn't until recently he began to see... him. Dressed in black, his dark sea-green eyes pulsing with power, his black raven hair absorbing darkness.

When the voices spoke to him, the words that overplayed in his mind, the other him countered their words.

You can stop this.

Yes, but why would you want to.

You can prevent this.

Let it happen. Embrace the power.

Join us.

That's not what you want Percy, now is it?

We will always find you.

Let them find you. Have the power to demolish your enemies.

A new chant would always begin in his mind until he managed to snap out of it.

Feel your anger.
Let it consume you.
Make them feel your pain.
Make one being of two.

Percy would blink and it would be gone, just an illusion. That's what it is, Percy thought to himself. An illusion used by Chaos to mess with his mind.

The vision of another him, however, never left his mind. His eyes, in particular, his eyes were so full of power, and it scared him. There was no emotion, no love, no sadness, not even anger or hate, just power. It was like there was nothing left of him. He was just an empty void of everything but power. But the power to do what exactly?

"Maelstrom, he's made a move." Mystique came in and said. He had grown a bit of a personality, and Silas' marks stood out proudly on the clone's tanned skin. Percy sighed, and Mystique walked away, knowing his point was made and his creator was not in the mood to be bothered.

Percy didn't move for what he thought was only a moment, but it must have been longer because Mel came to check on him. She was wearing a lot of colors-- A rainbow shirt, paint-splattered jeans, and glittery shoes. "Mom?" She said. "Wrong. Try again." Percy said. "Mom, dad, same thing." She said. Maelstrom was 'too much for her to say', so Mel had officially adopted Percy as her parent. "You know, they're waiting for you, right? Misty came and told you twenty minutes ago." Mel said. "I hadn't noticed so much time had passed," Percy said looking at her, but he made no effort to move.

"Dad, are you ok?" Mel asked. Percy felt her silver eyes search his sea-green ones, but Percy knew she found nothing when her eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind." Percy said. Mel looked down.

"Is it because you kill people?" Melody asked. She hadn't said it offensively, examining her feet with a new interest. "What do you mean?" Percy asked, sitting up to be face to face with her.

"Do you think about the people after you kill them?" Melody asked. Percy automatically knew the answer. No, he didn't. They were terrible people. "I don't. They were bad." Percy told her. "B-but what if they were good? Or the people that cared for them, do you think of them? I..." Melody trailed off, leaving the room an eerie silence. Percy felt like they were nearing a subject that she would rather not talk about, so he stood and picked her up.

"We shouldn't keep them waiting any longer, should we?" Percy asked. Mel smiled and for once, Percy saw a dark past, remembering those scars that had faded to almost nothing and were hidden away by her long-sleeved rainbow shirt.

('_') (-_- ) (-_- )

"C'mon Boss, you're like thirty years late!" Randel whined. "Talk about overdramatic." Mystique said, rolling his eyes.

"I apologize for my tardiness, I was feeling a little..." Percy trailed off, not able to think up a good word for it. "Well, it is of little importance now. I've detected a sudden change in all of my brother's routes around the universe. They all are going to one planet." Order said, his head moved to Percy.

Percy could never tell when Order was looking at him, he had no visible pupil or iris. But when Order's head turned to Percy, he felt Order's gaze settle on him, and Percy knew exactly where they were going.

"His daughter?" Percy asked, knowing the answer already. "Yes, but she has been dormant for quite some time. She hasn't been active for decades, but him being creator may bring assets and powerful alliances to his side."

And it's up to Percy and friends to stop them. "When are we leaving?" Percy asked, strengthening up. He put up the hood of his cloak, and Randel and Mystique did the same.

"You two are speaking in riddles. We going to a planet where he is going to visit his daughter, but she is sleeping, but there is still a chance of him getting allies?" Randel asked.

"I believe that his daughter is a planet, one that simply can support life." Mystique said. "But why does it matter if he gets allies from there? Are they really a threat?" Mel asked.

"I don't know if they're a threat, but it is my home planet," Percy said. "You from there?" Randel said. Percy had forgotten that Randel hadn't known him without the upgrades. "Yes, I am. But traveling is what made me this powerful, I wasn't very powerful before." That is false information. Really Percy? Order, shut up.

"Do you have family there?" Mel asked. "Yes. I do." Percy said to her, smiling sadly. He didn't add that most of them betrayed him.

Home sweet hom-- He had never contacted Earth after leaving Hestia is going to kill him.

Going to Earth didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. But that was what bothered him. There was something inside him anxious to go to Earth, like something was going to happen there. And there was a sinking feeling that it was not going to be good.

And that's the end of this chapter! Yes, we all know that every betrayed fic has it. Percy is going to have to face his family again. So...

What's that 'sinking feeling' about?

Backstory vibes coming from Melody...

Why'd Chaos decide to go to Earth?

Thank you guys for reading, hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and until next time,

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