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Over 500 reads. Five hUndrEd reADs. Thank you for reading and the support. Soooooo mUch. I hope you enjoy this part. 😄

A man, cladded in a vest and harem pants. His bare arms and chest were hit by the cold air. His black hair coated in the light snow. He thought he was underdressed for the strange cold weather that had suddenly appeared, but Olympia insisted he was wearing the right thing.

Percy's body heat alone made the snow that touched him melt and evaporate almost immediately, which only happened when he was extremely cold. "Must I wear this?" Percy says. His hair looked partially white in the snow that had started maybe a few hours before. He hadn't allowed her to get a good look at his face, and a dark shadow was cast over it. His eyes were not visible, nor was the bridge of his nose. She was annoyed at first, but she got over it.

"What do you plan on doing during your stay?" Olympia asks. "Whatever is needed," Percy says, again, not really sure. "Well, as you know, our elven warriors are some of the most dangerous beings on this side of the galaxy. How would you like to be among them?" Percy thought about it. He was on this planet for 7 years. And he left earth with no certain purpose in mind. Maybe this was a way to find out what that purpose is.

"Ok, let's do it," Percy says. He still didn't know why he had to wear the clothes he was wearing. They trudged through the snow, slowly at first. When a tall majestic building came into view, they picked up their pace. When they made it to the doors, Olympia knocked, her posture straighter, she seemed and inch taller, and she looked much more regal. She seemed to age three years, not like that 14-year-old he had seen a moment ago. She opened the door, and guards bowed, which showed she had authority. "Where is Esmeralda?" She says. "The Queen is in her chambers. Would you like to go in for a visit my lady?" A guard asks. "The idea had crossed my mind, yes," Olympia says. The guard bowed until the tip of his pointed ears touched the ground before turning to go get the Queen. "Would it hurt to be nice?" Percy says. "Yes."

"You and the Queen are on a first-name basis?" Percy asked. "She's my sister. I'd hope so." Olympia says. Oh. "How old are you guys?" Percy asked without thinking. Then he realized he just asked for somebody's age which is rude. "She's twenty-three. I'm 19." Olympia says. Percy realized he hadn't kept up with his own age. The camp had turned on him at 19 and a half, 3 years after the Gaia war. He was out for a decade before going into space, so 29. Then, he was out for seven years, so 36. He's 36 and a half. Is Percy old? "I'm 36." He says. "Wow. You look younger." "Thank You Lady Olympia. It's nice for you to grace me with a compliment. Did it hurt?" Percy jokes. Olympia laughed. Percy instantly wanted to make her laugh again. It was something about it.

"Why, sister, I'd thought you'd run away." A voice says. Percy and Olympia turned, and Percy noticed the differences and similarities right away.

The sisters shared the indigo hair fashioned into a crown braid, but the queen adorned a crown. It was more like a helmet in Percy's opinion, but it looked like a crown also. It was... Wierd. The Queen had one eye closed, probably due to the scar running from her hairline, over her eye, and curved around the bottom lip. Her right eye was open but it was two different colors, blue, but a gold smoke screen pulled in front of it. "I bet you hoped it," Olympia says, rather rudely. "Who's this?" The Queen asks, turning to Percy.

Percy, his chest and arms bare, felt cold under her gaze. "His name is Alaric. He's looking to be a recruit." Olympia says. The Queen looked at Percy in surprise. "He's actually not that bad looking. But how do you know he can handle it? It's obvious he lacks magic power." The Queen says. Esmerelda, Olympia had called her. "Do not question my judgment sister. He is very much qualified." Olympia says. "Fine. Let's see if he survives longer than any of the other ones." "Huh?" Percy says. "He's one with words. You've outdone yourself, sister." Queen Esmerelda says.

"Give him a chance Esme. You will not be disappointed." "I shouldn't be the one you're worried about." "Would either of you ladies care to elaborate? Or should I nod along and pretend to understand?" Percy asks, his eyebrows raised. His hair was still white due to the snow, and the shadow cast over his face was still there. "You don't know? Our warriors aren't fond of men. Especially ones who refuse to show their faces." Percy turned on a quick disguise, the disguise that comes along with having Hestia's blessing. He had never had a reason to use it. His jawline softened, his windblown black hair turned to a chopped chestnut brown. His sea-green eyes turned to coffee brown. His pale face had a sprinkle of freckles. His facial expression turned friendly. He didn't look much like Percy Jackson. "Happy now?" He said. His voice had gone a pitch higher, not as deep his voice had gotten over the years. "Wow. You don't look how I expected." Olympia says. "Well, let's introduce him to the squads," Esmerelda says, satisfied.

As they lead him through the building, they filled him in on how their warriors-yep, you guessed it- were teams of manhating women. Olympia had been keen on the idea to get the girls to understand that all guys aren't that bad, but so far no prevail. Male number 6. Oh, joy.

"Ladies, meet your new comrade. Alaric." The Queen introduces him. "No last name my lady. Olympia has brought us another commoner to kill hasn't she?" A tall girl with red hair and freckles snorted. "Cut him some slack. He's pretty cute." Another girl says dreamily. "You're letting his abs do the talking. He looks like a small babe!" A girl laughs. The room erupts with laughter as all 2000 girls in the room chuckle at the comment. Percy ignored just about everything they said, remained polite, and made sure he kept anything he did plain and simple as to not to portray any of his power. Sometimes you can tell a person is powerful just by the way they walk.

In the end, the warriors were all steaming mad that the male was still sane. The Queen came up to him. "You have a good head on your shoulders." She says. Percy looks at her questioningly. She continues, "Making yourself seem as non-threatening as you can. It's smart, it will get you accepted. But only as their training dummy." Percy nodded. He understood where she was going with this. He'd show his power, but he would wait, just not to scare them into hating him.

"Also, I know that's not what you really look like. I saw a hint of black hair under that snow." The queen says. Percy lips twitched. "You did?" "Mmmhmm. Maybe you could show me your real face sometime." She says. "Tell your sister to give me some real clothes and I just may say that I will consider it," Percy says getting up. He heard her laugh, and it made him laugh along with her.

He stepped out of the room, and his neck met a sharpened blade. The blade had drawn blood, and Percy brought his hand up and yanked the blade out of his attacker's hand. Whoever this was brought out another dagger and aimed it right at his head. As they brought the blade down, they flew into a wall.

"Are you all right?"

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