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Randel found himself in a hidden cabin, covered in vines and branches and shadowed by trees. They were in the middle of a forest, the forest Poseidon had teleported the Chaos soldiers, Nico, Olympia, and himself after Randel explained what was going on. "It's not a forest I recommend going to but, considering the circumstances, that much doesn't matter." Grover Underwood said. He was an old half-goat, with a sad face and dark eyes. Randel knew nothing of him, and Poseidon had only introduced him as Grover Underwood, The Lord of The Wild. He moved in slow, sluggish movements and he winced as if the slightest movement pained him.

He moved his hand almost dismissively and an image appeared. The same dead forest Randel talked with Maelstrom in. Well he wasn't himself. Void? Not that either. But Randel wasn't about to call him 'Perseus'. "This forest doesn't have a name. The nature spirits there died long ago, the rivers have run dry, and nothing survives there. It's just a plot of dying land waiting to wither away." Grover explained. "The forest moves continuously, so the things you may encounter may be otherworldly, but that shouldn't be a problem for you."

"This is the land you saw in your dream?" Luke asked. "Yes, this is the one. Where is it?" Randel asked. "Not too far. Once you leave here, I will give you a direct passage to the forest. But be on guard, the things you encounter on the way will be dangerous, and I will close the passage behind you in case it tries to run towards you. You will be trapped unless you reach the end. You will have to find your own way out." Grover warned.

Randel nodded. "Wait, I thought nothing could survive there," Will said. "That's just the thing. They're dead. They aren't surviving anything." Grover said. "Of course. Why would they?" Luke said, rolling his eyes. "Thank you, Grover. It means a lot." Katie said.

Grover sighed. "Save Percy and you have repaid me. Now go." Grover said. The Earth parted and a tunnel appeared. Randel went first. He hated the smell of it. It was damp, and when Grover closed the entrance, the putrid stench of decaying flesh assaulted him head-on.

Rice, rice, rice, rice, rice... The rice demon murmured. Randel had to agree with it. He hated every breath he inhaled, and his lungs burned.

The walk through the tunnel was long, but they encountered nothing. It's not like Randel would've been able to notice any danger with this stench. While this rice demon provided some immunity to the burning eyes, the smell still made his eyes water.

Randel could see the exit, but it seemed to take forever to finally get there. When they made it, the tunnel fell into itself, barely missing Will who Nico shadow-traveled in the nick of time. The place was just like Randel remembered in that short dream he had. Death, death, and more death. The scent lifted slightly, and it was more bearable, but it limited Randel's senses and covered anything else that could be hidden in the dead rotting forest they were surrounded in. It all smelled the same.

Randel let out a huff of frustration. "Th-There's something in front of me," Luke said, his eyes slit as he choked on the foul air. He had obviously not grown used to the odor of death, with Randel seemed surprised at, considering he worked for Chaos who seemed particularly fond of destruction and death.

"What? I don't see anything." Will said. To be honest, it almost looked like he was completely unaffected. He was a bit red in the face and looked mildly uncomfortable, but other than that he was completely fine. Nico looked as pale as ever, but he didn't show any type of discomfort other than that. The one affected worse happened to be Katie. She had the support of Travis and Clarisse, but Randel couldn't overlook the fact that she looked fragile, weak, even though Randel had seen her command vines to tear monsters apart with the flick of her hand.

"Where do we go next?" Olympia asked. She had weapons galore, but she looked nervous in being here. She fiddled with her daggers and kept straightening her various swords. Randel half expected her to begin polishing her shield, or tighten her bowstring but he didn't want to jinx it. "We should've brought Zanthos. He has a knack for finding the right directions." Travis said. "G-guys?" Luke said nervously. Randel looked back, and this time there was fear prominent in his voice. Then Randel saw it. Her.

She had red hair, scorching, fiery red hair with curls like whirlpools of lava. She had bright blue eyes, and Randel recognized her. She'd been there on the last day he and Maelstrom had left Kaworie. She was one of his old travel-buddies. Bri. Mel had talked about her and another elven servant that Maelstrom had taken from Olympia's home planet. But she had worn a cloth to cover her mouth. Now that cloth was gone, and huge jagged teeth were there instead. It was like she had daggers for teeth.

"You dare step into my forest?" She snapped, her voice quiet but threatening. Her voice reminded Randel of the sound of a blade being unsheathed from its scabbard. Quiet, but a signal that there would be conflict, and it put everyone on guard.

Olympia threw daggers with deadly accuracy, but each seemed to float by her. "You serve the Elven Kingdom." She said. She no longer looked nervous.

A long slitted tongue licked across her dagger-like teeth and Bri scoffed. "Elves of Carnage serve no one."

And that's the end of this part. I'm so sorry for the wait, but here it is! What did you think? I hope you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for reading.

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