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Chaos sat on his throne, gritting his teeth as he saw Perseus be overtaken by Void.

An unsettling light filled the throne room. Order appeared, a satisfied smile on his face. "You've lost, Little Brother." Chaos gritted his teeth again, glaring at his brother. "Void will destroy him." Chaos said. "Void will take good care of the host. I always said that the dead traitor wouldn't be worthy of Void. Why would Void choose the traitor when he could control the much more powerful hero?" Order said.

Chaos' temper flared. He had lost the bet. But he still could make sure Order lost too. "Void will become uncontrollably powerful with the boy's power combined with his own and along with power as great as that comes instability. A great weakness. And the boy's mind is strong. He could fight back. Luke would be easy to control, his mind was already weakened by my grandson." Chaos pointed out.

"Void will overcome the host's boundaries. He'll destroy that planet in seconds and consume its energy." Order said. Chaos knew this, which is why he chose the most expendable planet in this universe to be the setting of the return of his older brother. The planet's inhabitants were already destroying it, his daughter in a permanent slumber. But he didn't want to lose. He hated losing with a passion.

"What if the host happened to overcome Void? This demigod has a reputation for being unpredictable." Chaos said, a plan forming in his mind. Chaos was true to his name; he loved nothing more than to cause Chaos and disarray. It made things interesting. But he also loved winning. Void destroying planets that Chaos could easily replace would be endless chaos, but it would mean Order --Chaos' least favorite brother-- would win. And he couldn't have that.

Void would have to wait a few millennia more before he can come out of his domain. Chaos didn't help kill Reality and Existence for his health, he killed it for his power. When he got creation instead of the destruction he had anticipated, Order inherited destruction that kept it in balance, knowing when an event in any part of the universe would cause any type of mass destruction. When Perseus Jackson was betrayed Order became aware of his existence, but Chaos is aware of every new birth around his universe, every sign of creation.

Void was extremely powerful, his domain a combination of both creation and destruction. The void was his domain, empty but pulsing with power able to be used in any way he desired. Even Chaos could not directly use his powers to destroy, thus his creations keeping up a ruckus to keep him entertained. Order couldn't create anything per se, and if his corporeal form touched the earth or any other planet that supported or produced life he'd destroy it in an instant. But Void combines both Chaos and Order's powers, and mixed with the power of Chaos' direct bloodline having descended from Gaia, his power would conquer over all.

The Council wouldn't be any help, as they were all miserably weak compared to his favorite handcrafted daughter Gaia. Uranus was just thrown together, his name is a clear sign. If Percy happened to come across a hostile council member he'd destroy them, possibly without meaning to. Of course, he'd need a lot of training for that. But if Void managed to break the boy's boundaries, the only thing keeping himself and Void from the rest of his immense power, Void would destroy everything, and that would surely mean Chaos would be destroyed too, since it was him and Order who trapped him in the Void to begin this little game, and Order was always his favorite and no doubt would get a slap on the wrist.

Luke was easier to control. It would be a handicap on Void. But Order wasn't thinking, or maybe he was and he figured that this was a way to get rid of his annoying little brother. With a snap of his fingers, Luke was gone, protected from his brother's host in the 'cabin' Chaos had given his soldiers.

Luke hadn't killed the flying horse, Chaos knew. Order had gotten in his head, another way that Luke was easily manipulated. Order had someone tear that horse's wing off and had Luke find it, or somehow placed it in Luke's hand at the perfect moment for Perseus to see him and give an opening.

That would mean there was a traitor. None of his soldiers, he had free reign in their minds and would immediately spot even a thought of disloyalty. No, it was one of those campers.

A grin made its way onto Chaos' face, his troubles of being destroyed momentarily forgotten as he thought of the havoc this new pawn would cause in this great big game. He wouldn't lose.

(-_-) ('_') (~°~)

Hands wrapped around Percy's throat. It took minutes before Percy realized they were his own. He knew he was squeezing, that he should be struggling to breathe, but oxygen still passed fluidly, his breathing only picking up and becoming uneven as he realized that he was choking himself but at the same time he wasn't.

Luke had disappeared, simply vanished in front of Percy's eyes. But though Luke was not in front of him, Percy could see exactly where he was. He could go there right now.

He could rid the universe of Luke Castellan's existence.

Yes, and so much more.

Right. Percy now had a whole new voice in his head. His hands still gripped his throat and the eyes he hadn't realized were closed opened. He was no longer in the camp. He was surrounded by forest he didn't recognize.

Here you can release my-your-our- true power.

The forest was dark, with sickly looking trees and dead patches of grass sprouted about. Percy didn't take much to realize that if anything ever lived here, they were dead. They hadn't left either. The scent of death polluted the air. Percy usually associated the smell of death with the stench of war, but there was no war here. Only death.

Sharp senses. You've seen war and death. You're even familiar with it. The voice observed.

Who are you? Percy asked the voice.

I am Void.

Percy went rigid, before flipping the switch in his mind. His mind went into lockdown mode. Order's brother? Why are you in my head?

Percy had used this on Order and Randel when he wanted peace and quiet from Order's over-controlling behavior and Randel's snooping around in his mind finding random phrases or words or scenarios or questions or... A lot of other stuff in Percy's mind. It was good on keeping people out, but he knew nothing of the consequences of keeping someone in.

I see Order has informed you of me. Whatever it is you heard, he made it sound much worse than it really is.

Oh yeah? Percy said, rolling his eyes. Yes. I only wish for one thing.

Which is? Or do you want me to guess? Percy said.

I only wish to rid the universe of those who have done wrong. You killed people for that reason. It's not that different. 

Percy didn't respond.

Like those people who beat up a child. Or the gods who treat those they believe are under them in such a despotic manner. Those who murder their own people in cold blood, who cause others pain with their twisted words. The scum of the universe. Think of them all as tiny specs of dust in the universe and I just want to be the one to clean it up.

There was tapping at the back of his mind, and Percy felt like the walls of sanity built tightly around his mind were cracking, being chipped away with ease.

Percy knew the moment he broke. And the moment the walls fell, Percy felt something ripped out of him. His life flashed in front of his eyes.

Then there was nothing. Just... emptiness.

And that's the end of the part!!!!! And the last part where Percy's thoughts are revealed until the very last part.

(If you want, you can guess a character whose going to be the P.O.V. I'll tell you if you're right)

What did you think? Well until next time,

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