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"Percy!" With that last shout, Percy was hit with two full-grown adults, both who looked to be in their early twenties.

Percy landed on the ground with a groan and Randel snorted a laugh. "You shouldn't do that to elders," Percy grumbled. P.J. laughed, a joyful sound. He had gleaming silver hair that sparkled in the sunlight. His eyes were still blue, but crystallized. "You look different," Percy said. He gave Estelle a once over, not looking for too long because she was the exact image of his late mother.

"He got a new girlfriend. She did this to him. He even gave up Mom's blessing." Estelle said. Percy glanced at P.J. amusedly. "So, what, you're dating a goddess?" Percy asked. P.J. looked away, a blush creeping up his neck. "Uh..."

"C'mon you have got to tell me which one. Silver hair. Sort of silver eyes. Better tell me before I assume it's Artemis." Percy said.

P.J. said nothing.

"It is Artemis!?" Percy said. "No! It's not Artemis!" P.J. said. Percy was surprised the aforementioned goddess hadn't jumped out of a bush and turned them into deer at the amount of times they said her name.

"Who is it?" Percy asked.
"Not saying." "It's Khione." P.J. and Estelle said at the same time. "Come on Estelle!" P.J. whined. "Khione huh? Cool. No pun intended." Percy said. "And this is why I didn't want to tell you. At least you didn't change too much." P.J. said.

Next to him, the other Percy, the darker evil one grinned at him, the facial expression looking almost unnatural.

"Right. I didn't." Percy agreed.

(._.) (·_·) ( -_-)

Percy returned to the camp late, having spent the day with his siblings. He had seen his father who said he wouldn't tell anyone, which meant not only did Percy not have to deal with Zeus, he'd be able to dodge Hestia, because he still was terrified that she might decide to turn him into a pile of ashes or a plate of food.


The harpies spotted Percy, and they had attacked him too. A mistake on their part. But Percy honestly thought they looked better with the smoldering feathers they now adorned on their heads.

He found himself at the stables, looking for a familiar horse, and his heart lifted when he saw an old pegasus in the far corner, all black but streaked with gray sleeping soundly.

Blackjack. Percy said mentally. He instantly regretted it, seeing that his friend was much older than the last time he saw him and he needed his rest, but the flying horse stirred.

Boss? A sleepy voice said in Percy's head. Then Blackjack blinked a couple of times. Boss! Blackjack said excitedly. Percy really wasn't going to get rid of that nickname. First Blackjack, then Randel.

The aged stallion neighed happily, lifting his front hooves into the air. Blackjack let out a pained grunt. Ouch. Should've stretched first.

"You've gotten... Older. You aren't immortal?" Percy asked. It wasn't really a question, as Percy knew the answer. I was, but after they chased you off, the gods thought it that those who remained loyal to you be kept under control and punished. Annabeth's idea. I was stripped of my immortality, and they refused to let me out of the stables. Your brother Tyson was also affected. He would've been sentenced to death if your old man hadn't decided to do the 'execution' himself. Tyson had been safe there with the harpy girl for over twenty years before your brother and sister cleared your name, exposed Annabeth. Grover has been missing for years, after your empathy link broke he got sad. Deathboy was protected by Hades, rarely exiting the underworld. The Seven weren't against you, they just decided they weren't around long enough to contradict anything Annabeth said but even as human as they are they couldn't be dumb enough to think it was actually your fault that so many people died. They stayed neutral.

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