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Percy didn't allow himself to be in shock for too long. "Who..." Percy trailed off as a frail-looking little girl walked into the room. She was an elf, Percy guessed from the pointed ears. One had a small silver hoop with a symbol on it. He didn't recognize it, but the little girl cowered in fear. "Who's this?" Percy asked instead of the question he was going to ask at first. "This is the Siren that lured you here. She had no intentions of bringing you here it was an accident, please forgive her!" The woman pleaded. Her emotionless voice had changed to a pleading one. "Who enslaved you?" Percy asked, looking at long ragged scars running down the back of the little girl's neck and disappeared into her ragged clothing as she hid her face in the woman's side.

"Our parents were enslaved before us. We live in hope to one day pay their debts to the Queen." The woman says. "Esmerelda did this to you?" Percy said, glad that he was unable to use his powers. He was fuming, and he knew things would get destroyed if he could use his powers.

"Queen Esmerelda is our Master, as were her parents were to ours." The woman said. "Ok... What're your names?" Percy asks. "Our names haven't been spoken in so long... I have forgotten them." The woman said, her voice still empty of emotion. Percy looked outside, knowing he'd need to go to the bus soon. "Come on. We're leaving." Percy said. "B-but we mustn't! She'll find us! She knows every crook and cranny of her kingdom... We'd have to disappear off the face of the planet!" The little boy started freaking out. The woman's blue eyes widened in shock, while the little girl turned and looked at Percy, no longer scared, just curious.

"Are there any more people here?" Percy asked. The woman shook her head. "Then come on. Trust me, Esmerelda won't be able to touch you. But we have to hurry." Percy said. The woman looked unsure, but she glanced at the two young children and nodded. "Let's try it." She says, confidence filling up her empty voice. Percy made up his mind to give them names once they made it to the bus. So much for the no speaking rule.

Surprisingly enough, the way down the tower was much easier than the way up. But then, he'd been fighting himself.

The woman with the bandanna carried the young boy, and Percy carried the Siren who clung to him for dear life as they descended down that tower. The sun was beginning to set, and he knew that the bus would be here soon. They ran right into the open town, not caring if they were seen. Percy saw the bus, and he saw Tim, looking at his wrist and tapping his foot impatiently. Hauling the woman and children before him, Percy ran into the bus himself, right as he heard the shrieks of Esmerelda and his sisters. Olympia looked at the bus sadly. The sad look in her eyes was all Percy could see until the planet disappeared from his view.
Percy had never really noticed how the bus traveled. He didn't look back at Goruk. But he looked back at Elven Seis. Multi-colored stars zoomed pass him, and Percy had to admit, it was beautiful. "Stars!" The Siren girl exclaimed. Percy smiled. The young girl was tiny and looked fragile. She had silver hair and dark irises to which Percy could barely see her pupil. The silver band around her ear glittered, as did that strange symbol. It looked like upside trees in a star formation.

"What do you think they're called, a xsgdiwsg?" The boy said an incoherent word where his elfish accent got even heavier if possible. He was blond, painfully so, as Percy found looking directly at his hair was like having a staring contest with Apollo's chariot. His purple eyes rolled at the little girl, but Percy could tell he was just as fixated as the girl. The woman with the bandanna had fiery red hair which contrasted against her pale skin and big blue eyes. She looked at Percy before clearing her throat and looking away. "Um... Why are you d-doing this?" Instead of answering her question, Percy asked one of his own.

"So what are you and the boy?" He asked her. "W-what?" She asked, confuse. "What type of elves are you? You said Savannah was a Siren. What are you guys?" "Savannah?" She asked. "Trying out names," Percy said. "Oh... He's a... Ignatian elf. His powers are fire." "And yours?" Percy asked. Bandanna looked down. "Hey Hamun! First, you come running in my bus-without so much as one thought of me and how I'm doing, and now you're gonna violate a rule by talking? Boy, I oughtta..." Tim interrupted. Another question just popped up into Percy's mind.

"What's this different type of elf thing anyway?" He asked. Relief flashed through Bandanna's face before she answered. "Well, elves are one with nature. Fire, water, air, earth, life, death, night, day. You're born in your element." "How can you be born in death?" Percy asked confused. "And doesn't that mean everyone is born with life powers?" "No. Life comes when two beings are born at the exact same time. Death comes when one is born at the same time one dies." Sapphire answered. She had stopped admiring the stars and had cams into the conversation. "Fire?" Percy asked. "I'm the hottest thing since hotpockets." The boy said, smirking. He knows what hotpockets are?

Hotpockets are universal.

Percy heard Tim in his head. But how did they make it... Whatever.

"And can you like breathe underwater?" He turned to Sia. No Sia doesn't work.

She nodded. "I was born there. How'd you know I was a water element?" She asked. "An old legend from where I come from," Percy told her. "Cool! Can you tell me?" She said excitedly. "Sure."

Sucky part. I'm sorry. But it's informational... Or at least he's off the planet and on to the next. How'd you like the new characters (if you liked them at all)? Also, the random names Percy is thinking is him trying to make up names for the little girl, and I will take suggestions for these three characters if you have any names.



Yayayayayay! So have a nice life and thanks for reading!


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