Chapter 22

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Amelia POV
When I woke up I saw that my legs were tangled with Xavier's legs and his hands were around me. And we both were naked. Then I remembered what happened last night. I blushed at the thought. I felt him stir and saw he was waking up.
"Good morning baby." He said
"Good morning to you." I said while pecking his lips.
"You know the previous night was the best night of my life." He said
"I know. Now leave me I need to bath."
"Can't we bathe together. It will save water even." He said while smirking.
"Let me think. Uhmmm...... No." I said
"But why?" He asked and pouted.
He looked so cute while pouting but I know if we have a bath together then we are not going to come out anytime soon.
"Nope." I said while going towards the bathroom.
When I came out of the bathroom I saw Xavier was still on the bed.
"Get your lazy ass up fast and get ready. I can't miss school."
As I went down I saw dad, Blake, Seb, Alazia and Samantha all sitting there eating breakfast. They all turned there faces to face me when I entered the room except Sam. They all were giving me a knowing look. I understood they could smell Xavier all over me as we have mated last night. God this is gonna be awkward.
"Good Morning guys." I said.
"So.... You and Xavier." Blake said while wiggling his eyebrows.
I just gave a glare while sitting down.
"Well atleast I was not all possessive over my mate from the moment I saw him and wasn't scaring all the girls away" I said.
"Hey but you didn't wait for him that long but I have to wait for 2 years for my mate but you....."  Blake said
"Hey you can't blame me after all I'm an alpha. We are possessive our mates and we mark our mates as soon as we see them. I have waited this long and for this I should get an appreciation." I said while chuckling at the last part
"Yes you should." Xavier said while kissing my cheeks and sitting next to me. When did he enter the room.
"What are you talking about." Sam asked.
"You see Amelia and Xavier have completed their mating process." Alazia said
"How do you know they have completed their mating process." Sam asked
"You see when someone completes their mating process their smell gets changed." Alazia said
After that we had our breakfast in peace. Soon we left for school. 

^Skips car ride^

As we reached we school Sam went to her class and Xavier and I went with Alazia to the office to get her schedule. I know it's late but what can we do her mate is here and she can't leave him.
After getting her schedule we bid our goodbyes as she had a different class right now. Some of our classes are same though. As Xavier and I enter math class not many people were there. I spotted Luca, Harper, Sophie and Arthur were sitting there and talking among themselves. As they sensed me and Xavier they turned their heads towards us. I saw Luca and Arthur were glaring and it was not hard to guess to whom it was directed to. Xavier squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. I don't know why but a smile formed on my face. Then I realized that I never felt like this in my life. All these feeling are because of one person, Xavier. I smiled back and took out seat at back of the class. The class started in few moments.
Arghhh today was sooo boring. I don't feel like to come here. Why I'm even in school. Yes to get education. Why can't this be over fast. Now is lunch and we four were sitting together.
I saw Arthur and others coming here. I hope they just don't create any scene here.
"So Sam I see that you are still with them." Luca asked
"Yeah. So what." She replied.
"Even after she did to you. I mean she took the person you love. Even he is her mate she should have rejected him just because you love him. That's what friends do right. And friends don't steal their friends love." Arthur  said this time.
"And friends don't leave each other for some petty reason. It's true that I had a crush on Xavier and that's why I proposed him but that doesn't mean I'll come on between them. For God sake they are mates and I don't want to come in between them. Unlike you all I'm not a kind of person who leaves her friend just because she has a higher rank or busy with something." Sam said.

After hearing this they grunted and left us. I don't really wanted to waste my time on them.

So here's another update. Sorry couldn't update earlier because of college, projects and exams that's going on.

Until next time.

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