Brandon ~ Stressed out

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Brandon slams the door behind him causing you to pop up out of bed. You catch a glance of the time. 1:30 am. From your room, you can hear him rummaging around in the kitchen. You toss on a shirt before checking on him.

"B, is everything ok? Why are you home so late?" You slowly enter the kitchen.

"Everything's fine Y/N. Go back to bed." Brandon turns to the fridge.

"Brandon, something's wrong. You don't just slam the door at 1am for no reason." You pull yourself onto the island beside him.

"Y/N. I'm fine."

"Brandon-" you place your hand on his shoulder.

"Y/N I said go back to bed! Everything's fine!" He grabs your wrist and tosses your hand off of him.

You don't say anything else. You dash off to your room, making sure the door shuts behind you. Your heart is beating rapidly as you try to slow your breathing. Brandon had scared you out of your mind. He never snapped on you like that. While trying to calm down, you listen as best you can for Brandon's footsteps.

At around 2:30, an hour later, you hear Brandon's footsteps on the stairs. Not wanting to talk to him, you shut your eyes. The door slowly opens as Brandon comes in. He quietly shuts it before making his way to the bed. Instead of going to his side, he now sits on the floor beside you.

"I know you're asleep, but I still have to say this. Y/N, I did not mean to upset you or hurt you in any way. I let my emotions get in the way and I forgot who I was with. I've just had a rough day. Everything has been pushed back to stage 1 again and it's beyond stressful. I'm so sorry about taking it out on you. I love you too much to do that intentionally. I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight just to let you-" Brandon brushes a few hairs out of your face.

"B, sleep with me." Your eyes flutter open.

"You're awake?" Brandon seems startled.

"Yeah, I closed my eyes when you came in because I didn't know if you were still mad. It's a trick I learned from my sister when we were little. It works." I laugh.

Brandon smiles and shakes his head. "Did you hear what I said?"

You nod your head as he walks to the dresser. He changes into pajama pants before climbing in on his side. His arms instantly pull you into his warm chest. You flip around and rest your face in his neck. He pulls the blankets over your bodies and then lays back down.

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