Edwin ~ last day of school

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The last week of school was always the best. There was nothing to be done. Today was an optional day, but since you had to give an important presentation in your 1st period, you had to come. You convinced your best friend Edwin to come as well.

Your day started going downhill at 8. Your ride canceled on you so you frantically look for a ride. Your friend had told you she could come pick you up at 8:30 and you just would be late. So you texted Edwin.
You: Tell the teacher I'm coming and that I really need her not to mess up my perfect attendance.
Ed🙄: I mean I could...
You: just do it
Ed🙄: Alright alright.

At 8:30, your friend pulls into your driveway and you get in before she speeds back to school.

When you get to school, you and her both go flying down the halls in heels to present your project. When you arrive, Edwin is the first to greet you. He takes your stuff and puts it away for you.

You and your group start your presentation on Chemicals in Cosmetics a few minutes later. Throughout the whole presentation, you feel Edwin's eyes on your body. You avoid eye contact with him, knowing he'll do something to distract you. Your presentation was finally over and you immediately head to Edwin.

"You looked great up there." Edwin hands you your bag.

"I look like a train wreck. We both know it." You rummage around for a change of clothes.

"Nah." He zips your bag up for you.

You shoot him a look before running off to change.

At the end of the period, you, Edwin, and a few others convinced your teacher to give you all day passes for her class. So 2nd period was spent in the classroom.

Second period had to finish their presentations, so you all sat and watched. Edwin had given you his chair and pulled up a chair slightly behind you. In the middle of one of the presentations, you feel a hand lightly massaging your ass. You can't draw attention to this so you attempt to ignore it. Then, you feel another hand pull your ass back a little. You now sit halfway on Edwin's lap and a stool.

"You have a nice ass." Edwin whispers.

A smile grows on your face. Edwin starts squeezing harder. Almost causing a moan to escape. This goes of for a little while longer. Then, Edwin's hand finds its way up your baggy shirt to your boob. You grab his wrist.

"No one can see babe." He rests his hand on your bra.

You let go and start hoping no one could see. His other hand ends up on your clothed area which was dripping wet. Since you had leggings on, Edwin could slightly feel how wet you were.

"Damn. You're wet." He lightly presses on your area.

You deeply inhale. Edwin sighs before removing his hands and returning to normal.

The period had ended, you two go your separate ways till the end of the day.

"There you are." Edwin steps in front of you in the hall.

"Edwin I have practice." You turn to walk with him.

"We won't be that long." He holds your backpack for you.

"Alright. Are you still coming over tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah."

You laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Just checking." You turn the corner.

"Let me be your first kiss Y/N." Edwin stops walking.

"Right here? I think not, there's teachers." You turn and face him.

"Where then?"

"Somewhere not here." You start walking to where your practice bag was.

Edwin follows closely behind. When you get in the room, Edwin corners you.

"Edwin, my coach is right there." You point across the hall.

"So?" He leans down and kisses you.

You pull away. "Not. Here." You walk out.

Edwin catches up to you. He walks with you in silence to the bathroom where you change. You went to knock on the door when Edwin pulled you into a hallway corner. No one came down this hallway.

"What are you-" You were cut off by Edwin's lips crashing into yours.

He pushed you as far against the wall as he could. One of his hands lightly finds your neck while the other lifts your leg.

"You're so sexy ma." Edwin says between kisses.

You smile before reconnecting your lips. You couldn't get enough of him.

Edwin reaches into your shirt again, this time squeezing your boob. You moan out. He smirks while his hand trails back to your clothed area. This time reaching into your pants. You forcefully grab his wrist, not wanting anyone to walk by.

"Just a peak." His hand around your neck tightens slightly as he starts rubbing circles on your throbbing clit.

You cover your mouth to prevent any moans from slipping out. He rubs you for a few minutes before someone comes down the hallway. You two quickly collected your stuff before speeding off. He walked you to practice.

"See you tomorrow ma." He smacked your ass and winked before walking away.

Y'all I actually wrote this based off of my last day of school this year 💀💀💀.

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