||Author's Note||

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Hiya all!  I hope you enjoy this first book of mine!  It's just a bunch of stories all mashed together into this giant project that I've decided to name Oneshots.  So, each chapter will be it's own little story for you all to enjoy!  This is historical fiction, and follows and details the life of John F. Kennedy, and his wife, Jacqueline. 

Almost all of these stories are based off true events that happened throughout their relationship together, while other give a glimpse into their relationship with one another.  Their relationship was something else, and one that many didn't get to experience.  These oneshots should help bring their relationship back to life and share a part of the world that so many want to see. 

I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to message me with any questions and concerns that you might have, and criticism is always welcome!

the author, 


without further ado, 


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