|| The Dinner Date ||

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January, 1952

Jack was buried deep in paperwork, his sleeves of his white collared shirt rolled up. 

He was reading over new briefing papers and documents, his brow furrowed in concentration.  

All of a sudden, his telephone rang, snapping him out of his deep thought. 

Picking up the phone, Jack answered the way that he always did. 

 "Hello, this is Representative John Kennedy."

"Jack?" A whispery voice asked from the other end.

"Jackie?" Jack asked, confused. 

"Hi." Jackie responded, and asked, "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm doing well."

The conversation was quiet for a few seconds, until Jackie told him,

"I'm taking you up on your offer.  Dinner?" Jackie told him, refreshing his memory. 

"Ahh, you're talking about when I leaned over the asparagus and asked you for a date," Jack replied, a smile on his face and heard in his voice.

It caused Jackie to giggle and reply, "Yes."

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.  You're always reminding me that you're engaged."

Jack knew that Jackie was probably blushing, as she said, "Well, right after New Year's, he headed back to New York, and I want some company." She then said quietly, probably not for Jack to hear, "your company."

He pretended not to notice.

"So, can you be at Martin's Tavern at 8:30 tonight?" Jack asked.

"Of course!" Jackie replied.

"Alright, I'll see you then.  Also, just dress casually." Jack told her.

"Got it.  Goodbye, Jack." Jackie added playfully, "Get back to work, Congressman."

"Will do, Miss. Bouvier." Jack answered.  "Talk to you later." 

However, Jack couldn't get back to work.  He couldn't stop thinking about how Jackie had actually called him, and wanted to spend time together.  

After the Christmas party that the Bartlett's had thrown back in December, Jack hadn't expected Jackie to call him back. 

Especially after he kissed her. 

If he was being honest, Jack felt as though his time with Jackie was running short.  He knew that he probably wouldn't be alone with her again.

She was so beautiful that night.  Everything about her made Jack fall more and more in for her.  The way she laughed, or how she would gently touch his arm in order to get his attention, everything that she did made him more interested.  

Eventually, Jack couldn't take it anymore.  So, when she was caught off-guard, he just went for it.

Everything about the kiss just seemed so right.

The way that her arm gently wrapped around his neck, to the way that she played with his hair... 

Jack smiled at that.  

For the most part, he didn't expect her to react to the kiss at all.  He thought that she would have pulled away faster than she did.  It confused him. 

Now, he had a date that night with Jackie.  He was pretty enthralled.

Later that night, Jack stood waiting outside the door of Martin's Tavern.  The air was crisp and he had a warm jacket wrapped around him.  

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