|| Christmas Cheer ||

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Late December, 1952

A few days before Christmas, snow was falling gently in DC, causing for the sharp contrast of soft, white flakes falling down from an inky black sky onto the bustling city.

On the streets, many were ready for Christmas, shown through the various shop windows, and the people walking about the streets.

The shop windows were filled to the brim of the latest gifts, the ones that all of the children were begging their parents. In other stores, many beautiful Christmas dresses were on display, in shades of deep red and bright white.  

Although it was nightfall, there were still many people that were walking about on the streets, getting last minute shopping done, some browsing, and others just spending time outdoors.

Jack and Jackie had just finished their Christmas date together, and were heading back to Jack's home for a nightcap.

The pair stepped out of the restaurant, looking down the main street seeing a plethora of people traveling to and from the shops.

"It's snowing, Jack," Jackie said softly, and held up a white gloved hand, letting a few of the flakes fall onto her hand.

"I can see." Jack, on the other hand, began to adjust his light jacket.  

"Jack,"  Jackie chided, "Put on more than just a jacket."  

"I'll be fine, Jacks, I promise."  Jack told her, and Jackie shook her head.  "No.  You're going to get sick if you don't put anything on to protect yourself."  

"But I'm wearing a jacket!"  He argued.  

"Yes.  And you're going to get sick if you don't put something on.  And before you say anything, I know that you have a few items for you to put on."  

"Jack, I'm not moving until you put something on."  

Jack rolled his eyes, and he asked, "Can we compromise?  I'll wear a hat, and keep my hands in my pockets."  Jack hoped that she would agree, because he knew that they were beginning to make a scene.  

Jackie narrowed her eyes, and nodded.  "Fine."

  In order to appease her, "Do you want to walk for a bit?" Jack offered, before Jackie could even ask.

"Of course," Jackie answered. Both knew that they would have to take a cab back in order to get to his house in Georgetown. Jackie loved the snow, and spending time outside.

"This gives us some time to do some window shopping."  With that, Jack offered Jackie his arm, which she took, and the two stepped out from underneath the canopy together.

Jack looked at Jackie as she closed her eyes, letting him guide her, trusting him enough to avoid her from hitting any other people or objects.

"These stores always make these gifts look so appealing, it always makes me want to go in and buy something, even though I don't need it," Jackie commented, causing for Jack to hone his attention on her. 

Jackie's profile was soft against the dark night sky, framed by the lights coming from the shops on the street.  Her skin was glowing softly in the warm lights.  Her cheeks and nose were flushed red due to the cold weather, snow sticking on her eyelashes and on the ends of her hair.  

"Are you going to get anything for your niece?" Jackie asked, referring to Bobby's child, Kathleen. Kathleen was a little over a year now, but she was beginning to grow like a weed.

"I asked him if he wanted me to get her anything for her second Christmas," Jack began. "He told me if anything, just to get them the necessities."

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