||Thoughts ||

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Late March, 1953

Jack leaned back in his Senate desk, in quiet reflection. 

It had been a long day.  The Senate had been called into session, which led to hours of debate on the Senate floor about withdrawal from the Korean War.  The tensions were high in the war, prompting discussion what had been done with Chinese and North Korean defectors, along with the use of nuclear powers on the Chinese in the height of the war. 

To Jack, he found everyone going in circles, bringing up the same points, over and over again, rather than to talk about anything new.  He stood on his stance of being that actions should be taken in order to make sure that they would prevent the use of nuclear weapons and bring peace to both sides.  However, only if the other senators were able to see it easily.  Jack knew though, that there were more problems intertwined than just the removal of nuclear weapons.

He sighed, throwing his glasses on the table, on top of some paperwork that he has been going through.

If I leave early, I could find some blonde that will be willing to sleep with me tonight. 

At the mention of women, Jack instantly thought of Jackie.  For a while now, he wasn't able to keep her off his mind. 

He didn't know how he felt for her.  He knew that his feelings were stronger for her than they had been for any other women that he had met.

When Jack was always thinking about a woman that he wanted to marry, Jack knew that he wanted a woman that he was compatible with, one that would understand him completely.   He wanted a woman with grace and class, which Jackie brought to the table. 

Jackie was still her own person, no matter what happened.  She didn't make herself be anyone that she wasn't in order to fit in with a group of people, or with his family.  She was herself, and didn't feel pressured or forced to participate in any of the regular Kennedy activities, but she brought something new to the table. 

She was into art, and was extremely good at it.  She was graceful, and was into ballet and horseback riding.  It set her away from her family, who usually didn't do such activities.  But after spending so much time together, Jack was beginning to enjoy the smaller, more artistic things in life.

Jack's mind whirl-pooled back towards the inauguration.


It was late into one of the inaugural balls, and although it was at a time that most would be asleep, but the dances were still going strong.  This was the third out of the five inaugural balls, and Jack could tell by now, that Jackie was exhausted.  It had been a long day for the both of them, and Jack knew that the entire day was exciting, but was probably tiring for her.  After them shepherding themselves to another dance, Jack had probably concluded the fact that after that ball, they were probably going to go home for the night.  

Several other Senators had already left for the night, and Jack knew that they should probably do the same so they wouldn't over-extend their welcome.  

He had gone to get the two some drinks, managing to find some sparkling water, flavored with lemon to drink.  He had taken a decent size sip of the beverage, letting the cold beverage tingle his throat after swallowing.  

He had managed to make it back over to his partner, to see her sitting by herself, and she had almost fallen asleep.   This had happened at the first dance, and now Jack's guilt had crept up with him for dragging her around all night.

"Here, Jacks,"  He said, handing her the glass, and letting her take a sip for herself.  

Blinking slowly, she smiled warmly.  "Thanks,"  she responded after drinking a little.  Even the music was slowing down, going from peppy brass band music, and shifting into gentle, smooth, methodical classical, a quartet made up with a piano, violin, cello, and a flute to begin to relaxing dance, and Jack watched as several others filed onto the floor. 

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