|| Rendevous ||

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Early November, 1952

"Now, be charming." Jackie began, adjusting his tie.

It was one of the final debates before voting, and Jack wanted to make a final good impression to harken voters.

Jack let out a nervous sigh, clasping his hands together, and twiddled his thumbs. He bit his lip, and he looked side to look around quickly, as if to see if his opponents were going to be walking by him soon.

"Jack," Jackie said with a small laugh. "I know that you're going to do just fine. You know that." Jackie's hands moved from his tie, to his suit. He was wearing one of the new ones that they had purchased together a few weeks back in New York.

Standing back, Jackie gave him a small smile. She adjusted a few things, such as making sure that his suit jacket was buttoned appropriately.

Jack looked put together, and looked as though he was going to work the room during debate. He was wearing a white cotton dress shirt, as usual, and he was wearing a charcoal grey tie, along with his matching grey suit and dress pants. It was one of the ones that he had tried on in the tailor's shop in New York. He looked just as attractive the day that he had put it on.

He was striking.

God, I wish he sees what I see in him. What everyone else sees in him.

He looked like a figure of authority, but at the same time, he displayed his youth and vigor that he brought everywhere with him.

Jack began to tap his foot on the ground, and looked down at the floor, putting his hands in his pockets. Letting out a distressed sigh, Jack turned to focus on Jackie.

"Calm down, Jack. I can see that you're nervous from a mile wide."

"I know, I know," Jack replied in hurried breaths.

Usually he doesn't get this worked up over things. He's done plenty of debates before, and talking in front of large crowds. He's done it just fine.

"I know, I'm acting so silly about this, but this is a big deal," Jack began. It was almost as if Jack could read her thoughts. "My father is expecting a lot from me. What if I let him down, Jackie?"

"You won't."

"But there's that chance that I will. Jacks, this is going to be a close race. A really close race. I can feel it in my gut. Most people view me as the young boy from the senate who got the job because of his father. They probably think of me as some goof that doesn't even know what I'm doing."

Jack let out a small laugh at his description, and Jackie shook her head, with a small smile.

"Jack, I wish you could see what I see."

"What do you see?" Jack asked, a smile on his face.

"Well..." She trailed, a smile on her face, and she brought her hands back up to adjust his suit.

"What I see is a young, confident, sometimes cocky," Jackie began, saying the last part in a lower tone, causing for them both to let out a small laugh.

"Intelligent, extremely handsome, witty boyfriend that I love." Jackie finished, smiling.

Jack's face contorted for half a second into something she couldn't place, and then moved back to normal.

Why does he always do that when I say something like that? Jackie wondered to herself.

What does he mean by that? I know that he cares about me. He's told me that. He wouldn't lie, would he?

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