|| Conversations ||

642 13 4

Late May, 1953

The two were walking in one of the finer parks in DC, arm and arm, chatting amicably about what was going on in Washington. 

The two had just left dinner at one of Jack's favorite restaurants-mostly because it was his father would pay for however much the meal cost.

This led for Jack to have a massive steak, and for Jackie to have something with lamb chops.  The two were walking, as Jackie always preferred to do after a large meal. 

Her arm was matched securely around Jack's, the two one of the few lone figures out amongst the shrubbery and the pathways. 

"So, Darling, what's going on in your life?" He asked.

"Well... Jackie began, a smile etching onto her face.

"Are you going to tell me?" Jack prompted, letting out a chuckle. 

"Listen!"  Jackie smiled, her eyes glimmering like the stars above.   "I have an opportunity.  An amazing opportunity.  It's a big break, really." 

"I'm ready for you to tell me, Jackie." 

"I'm going to England!  For Queen Elizabeth's coronation!  After all the success I had covering your campaign, along with other ones, I gained enough popularity to go across to write about it!  Isn't that exciting?"

"Are you really going to go on this trip?" He asked, his voice seeming a bit reluctant.

"Jack, it's a wonderful opportunity!"  Jackie told him, a smile bright on her face.

"I know, I know.  I just don't want for you to go."  His eyes gazed down on her, and Jackie was able to pick up something in his eyes.  The pride was pooling from his eyes, Jackie could see it.

"I'm going for only a few weeks, Jack. I'm coming back sooner or later."

"Mummy, I'm excited!  This is an amazing opportunity that I've been given.  This on me, and only me.  Don't you understand what an honor this is?"

"I understand, Jacqueline.  You must be so excited, but please, try to remain calm to some extent."

Jackie rolled her eyes, but said nothing.  Her mother had been like that for as long as she could remember.  Just very controlling in her regards on how her daughters were raised.

As Janet was sitting in an armchair, Jackie bustled about her room at Hammersmith Farm, gathering various dresses and blouses to pack away.

"I just wish Jack could come with me.  Although he doesn't want to see me go, he's still excited for me."

At the mention of Jack's name, Janet stood up and grabbed Jackie's wrist.

"He's not good for you."  She began.

"Stop it, Mummy.  I love Jack, and Jack loves me. I know he does."  Jackie told her mother. 

"You know he's just using you."

"That's not true."

"Jacqueline, you need to learn, common sense.  He's a public figure, women drop at his feet, he can get any woman he wants.  You're just being silly." 

"I'm not being silly, mother!  I know that Jack loves me, and I love him!"  Jackie continued to aggressively shove clothing into bags. 

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