|| Election Night ||

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Election Night, 1952

Jack bit his lip, pacing inside his father's home in Hyannisport.

Out of everything that had happened, that year, this was it. The final leg of the race.

The entire day had been jam-packed with various interviews, sponsored messages, and last effort campaigning in order to secure himself a victory.

People were buzzing around, brushing by with various telegrams.

Jack watched his younger brother enter the living room, papers in his hand.

"What's the report?" Jacked asked, causing Bobby to look up.

"Jack! It's going to be tight, but it's a win, I can feel it!" Bobby said, excitement in his voice.

"Really?" Jack asked, amused. "I didn't think the people liked me all that much."

Bobby rolled his eyes and shook his head, giving a small smile, slightly annoyed at his brother's pessimistic joke.

"Do you want to get some fresh air?" Jack asked, his hand moving up to loosen his tie.

"Sure. I'll hand these off to dad first," Bobby answered before disappearing within the crowd of people.

Jack let out a sigh, and moved towards the door.

Taking a glance around the room, and seeing that everyone was invested in their own business, Jack opened the door quietly and slipped outside.

The November air hit his skin, and all of the previous of his worries began to slide away.

He let out a sigh, and watching the cold air turn into a puff of smoke, the condensation flying away.

Jack turned away from the house, and turned to look out at the black sea. The waves were rolling on the shore, the sound of them crashing on the sand calmed him down from the stress of the campaign.

The cold air nipped his skin, and although he didn't feel tried inside the house, the cold air woke him up and sharpened his senses.

Jack closed his eyes and concentrated on the sound of the waves tumbling onto the shore. He was focusing so intensely on the sound of the waves, he didn't hear the door open and Bobby slip outside.

"Jack?" Bobby asked, his voice soft. When Jack didn't respond, Bobby reached out to shake his shoulder.

Jack let out a small gasp at Bobby's touch, and quickly moved away, and turned to face his younger brother. Jack never was a huge fan when others would touch him; it didn't matter who it was.

"Want to take a walk?" Jack asked.

Bobby nodded, the two stepping down to the beach.

Jack instinctively headed towards the black water; he wanted to kick off his polished shoes and feel the sand between his toes. However, Jack knew that he couldn't.

I'm going to have to head back inside after this, it wouldn't look good if I came back as a mess.

They walked in quiet contemplation, and after a while Bobby asked,

"What bothering you, Jack? You're never like this. Do you want to talk about anything?"

Jack was quiet for a few moments, before turning around to look at the house, making sure that there was no one following them.

Seeing that they were the only two figures on the beach, Jack began to let everything off his chest.

Jack began, his voice slightly upset,

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