|| The Big Decision ||

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Mid December, 1953

Jack and Jackie had been home from Mexico for a while. Jackie had been living in Boston for a while, in a small apartment, not really sure on where they were headed. Jack had been in D.C. for several weeks, as he had been trying to get caught back up to speed in the Senate.

"I'll be back in a couple of weeks, I promise," Jack told her, getting ready to board the plane that would take him from Boston to DC.

"I'm going to miss you," Jackie responded, a sad smile on her face. "It's going to be extremely lonely here without you."

Jack stroked her cheek with his thumb gently. "I know, I know, but I promise that I'll be home soon enough. It's a few weeks or so, and I promise that I'll phone you whenever I have the chance."

Jackie nodded. This was the first time since their honeymoon that they had been separated due to the Senate.

"The plane will be leaving shortly, Senator." One of the tenants called out to him.

"Kid, I have to go, but I promise that we'll talk later, alright?" Jack replied.

Jackie nodded. "I love you."

Jack smiled, before giving her a tight hug before kissing her quickly.

"See you in a few weeks!" She called, and Jack walked up the steps, smiling.

It was a few weeks later, and Jackie was eagerly anticipating Jack's arrival back in Boston. The two had been bouncing back and forth for a while, as they didn't know where to stay.

Jack had told her on the phone that he would be coming in relatively late, and that he would try to get in as soon as possible, but that she didn't have to wait for him at the airport.

Jackie was sitting in their small living room, going through all of their wedding gifts. The couple had received a mountain of gifts, and the two would go through them together, and would chip through them day by day. Or, when they would have the chance.

As she had been sitting and sorting them, she heard the sound of the apartment door jiggling, and Jackie stood up. Jack was home.

"Jack!" Jackie called out, moving towards the front of the apartment. She front door opened, and there stood Jack.

"Hi." She breathed, smiling. there was her Jack, standing in front of her.

"Hello there," Jack responded, a matching a smile back at her as well.

Jack shut the door, and put down his suitcase, and Jackie leapt into his arms, burying her face into his shoulder. She breathed in the scent of his cologne, his familiar scent bringing a wave of comfort over her.

Jack pulled back and kissed his wife, the two relishing in a newfound sense of security now that the two were reunited for a while.

The two broke the embrace, Jackie moving towards their living room.

"How was work?"

"Fine, fine. The same as usual. The Senate sure knows how to keep me on my toes. Bills constantly going back and forth, people constantly talking about the most simplest things when it comes to bills." Jack responded, walking into their living room. He had taken cigar from his cigar case, which he had lit. It was now resting in his mouth which he was puffing on softly.

"Do you have a minute?" Jackie glanced at the looming pile in front of her. "Or, several minutes?"

"Are you asking for my help to sort through all of these?" He asked, with a smile on his face.

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