|| Smooth Sailing ||

914 20 4

Memorial Day weekend, 1952

Jack slowly blinked his eyes open, the sunlight slowly filtering in through the drapes.

Jackie's head was on his chest, and was sleeping soundly.

Ever since the first night, Jackie had been coming into Jack's room to sleep.

She would retire to the guest room to start, and then would meet up with Jack later in the night. By then, she had brushed her teeth, combed her hair, taken off the little make-up she had been wearing, and had slipped into a simple nightgown.

Jackie would crawl into bed, the two spending some time together talking about whatever they could think of before drifting off to sleep. Jack would hold Jackie in his arms until the following morning. The next morning, Jack would rouse Jackie from her slumber, and she would walk back to her own room and get ready for the day.

However, the only problem was keeping their nightly visits to each other a secret.

Jack knew if any of his brothers caught him, he'd never hear the end of it, especially from Teddy. His father would give a nod of approval, and a slap on the back for finally sleeping with her. His sisters wouldn't make a huge deal about the whole thing, but would most likely end up pressing Jackie about it, which Jack didn't want. And his mother? Well, she'd blow a gasket if she saw her son in bed with a women under her roof.

It's not like we're actually sleeping together. Well, we are, but not in that kind of a way. Still doesn't matter. Mother would freak out nonetheless. I can picture her now, 'I raised you better than that, Jack!' or something church related.

Jack glanced over Jackie's head to read the time, 7:23 am.

Time to get her up.

"Hey, Kid. Time to get up," Jack mumbled, his voice still deep with sleep.

Jackie's head buried deeper into his chest, and she refused to move.

"No. Stop. It's too early for this."

"Jackie," Jack repeated, this time kissing her hair gently. "Time to move." Jack felt a bit more alert than before.

This time, Jackie raised her head off his chest to meet his eyes. They were tiny brown slits, still upset about being awakened.

"Good Morning, Kid."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't. "

A pause.

"Yes, I do. It's too early to be up and moving."

"Remember, this is our little secret. We don't want to blow our cover."

Jackie sighed, and lifted herself off his chest to look down at him.

"Good morning for the fourth time, Jackie," With that, he gave her a soft kiss to her lips.

"Morning, Jack."

Jack smiled, and Jackie moved into his arms, content to be wrapped up in them. Jack moved his arms around her protectively, and he could feel Jackie snuggle back into his side.

"I don't want to leave you," Jackie murmured and closed her eyes, relishing their time together.

"It isn't going to be for too long, you know that," Jack responded.

"But still. I'm too comfortable to move."

The two lay together, cuddling before Jackie would have to start moving back over to her own room.

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