|| The Dinner Party ||

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May,  1951

Jack exited his car quickly, his freshly polished dress shoes clicking on the cement sidewalk.  He looked up at the Bartlett's house.  The lights were on, giving the building a warm glow.  He could see figures moving inside, along with hearing the muffled sound of people talking.  

Outside, it was comparatively quiet, crickets chirping softly to each other nearby.  The dinner party had started at 6:30, but due to some work obligations, and spending him with new secretary, Jack was a bit behind schedule.  The sun was setting low in the sky, and Jack took a quick peek at his watch, 6:55. 

I'm late. 

Jack quickened his steps, and bounded up to the Bartlett's front door.  He knocked and waited.  He had met Charlie back in 1946, right after the War.  He had run into him at Palm Beach, and the two had been friends ever since. 

"Hi, Jack!  We've been waiting for you!"  The door had opened, and Charlie's wife, Martha, was standing in the frame of the door.  

"Hi, Martha, it's good to see you too," Jack responded, pulling her for a quick hug.  

"So, where's Charlie?"  

"In the living room with other guests.  We're waiting on one more person, and for dinner to finish being prepared. " Martha responded, coaxing Jack in the direction of the living room. 

Jack walked into the bright living room, and the chattering soon died down to see who had just arrived. 

"Jack!  It's finally time that you had showed up!"  Charlie exclaimed, breaking the silence.  He walked, over, and gave Jack a playful hit on the back.  

"Well, thanks, Charlie.  I'm sorry that I'm late.  I had a little bit of extra work at the office today,"  Jack responded.  

Charlie gave a smirk, and responded, "Sure.   Were you working with some secretary or intern?"

Jack rolled his eyes, and gave Charlie a little push.  "Please.  I'm not that  bad.  I do have some restraint.  I also did have to finish a few papers, too.  Being a state Representative isn't as easy as it looks."

Charlie snorted, and replied back quickly, saying, "Well, whatever you say, Jack.  Anyways, go around and mingle."  Charlie walked over to the mini bar, and poured Jack a glass of Scotch.  Walking back over, Charlie handed Jack the glass, and said, "By the way, you have a date tonight."

Jack was in the middle of taking a sip of the alcoholic drink, and he almost choked on his Scotch.  He hadn't been anticipating on being set up with someone at his friend's dinner party.  Also, Jack had already begun to scope the room to see which female would be the most willing to come home with him after.  "What?  Is she here?" 

"Hey, relax, Jack.  Don't worry, she's not here yet.  You're going to love her."

Jack nodded, and grabbed a cigar.  Putting it in his mouth and lighting it, he turned to Charlie, and said, "So, tell me about this mystery date I now have."  

Charlie chuckled, and said, "Well, I'm going to let you figure that out for yourself.  Trust me, she's your type."  

Jack rolled his eyes, blew out the smoke.  "Thanks for the tips, Charlie."  

"No problem."  

Jack soon left his friend's side and began to walk around the room, the glass of Scotch in one hand, and the cigar in the other.

Jack soon began to walk around the room, and began to strike up a conversation with a pretty young blonde girl.  She seemed interesting enough to him.  It was more than enough to keep him occupied while he was waiting for his mystery date to arrive.  

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