|| Another Party||

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December, 1951

"Lee, what should I do? I have a dress, but I don't have a date. I can't just show up to this alone! The last party that I had been to with the Bartlett's, I didn't have a date. I can't do that again! Plus, there are going to be more people there! Like, really important people!"

Lee rolled her eyes at her older sister.

"Hey, relax. We'll come up with something. Anyways, why can't your fiancé go?"

Jackie swallowed, and then turned to her sister and answered. "Well, he's away in New York. He's at the Stock Market Exchange. That's what he does, he's a stockbroker."

"No offense, Jackie, I still think that you can do a little better than him. Think about it. You can climb the ladder higher than that. Even though he's a stockbroker, he doesn't make that much money."

Jack closed her eyes, and listened to her sister. Their mother Janet had instilled into the girls at a young age that they had to climb the society ladder. It really more or less mattered on how much money the man they would marry had. The more money, the better. The more financially stable.

"Also, Jackie, think about it. You want to stay in D.C., and he's got to be in New York due to the stock exchange. You have two options- you're either going to have to move, or you're going to be a commuting couple. Do those options really sit well with you?"

Jackie didn't answer. Her sister was right. She wanted to stay in D.C. So much happened there. Washington D.C. was the capitol of the country. She always had something to write about for her column, if it was interviewing random people on the street, or going to the Senate and talking to famous politicians. It was never a dull moment.

With New York, it was nice. She loved New York, especially the city. But there... everything just seemed to blend together.

"Well, Jacks, what are you going to do?" Lee's voice and snapped Jackie out of her thoughts. Whirling around, Jackie turned to face her sister on the bed.

"What? About tonight?" Jackie asked, hoping her sister couldn't read her mind.

"No. We can figure that out in a second. I meant about John Husted."

She knows me too well. I was hoping she wouldn't ask. Damn it. I've been trying to avoid thinking about this.

"Well, what about him?" Jackie asked, trying to avoid the question.

"Are you really going to marry him?" Lee asked.

Jackie paused again. "Maybe. Probably. What choice do I have? It would be wrong of me to back out of something as big as marriage."

"Jackie, do you really love him?" She asked.

Jackie sighed. It was so complicated. After she had met Jack on the train in 1949, the following year she and Lee had gone abroad Europe. Then, when she got back, she had met John Husted. It had been a quick courtship, and Jackie felt as though she had fallen head over heels in love with him.

Surprisingly, her family wasn't supportive of the relationship. Both Lee and her mother thought that she could do better, society wise and money wise, while her father claimed that the relationship wouldn't last. However, Jackie didn't listen to them. She had fallen head over heels for him, and felt as though nothing was going to change that.

Up until recently, she hadn't doubted her relationship with John Husted. Everything seemed to be wonderful between the two of them. John was loving to her, and made sure that he would attend to her every need. Although Jackie was someone who loved to spend money, somehow she had managed to overlook the fact that he wasn't a very rich man. Coming from a family who put on rich façade, it would seem as if Jackie was downgrading her lifestyle.

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