|| Mr. Senator ||

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Late December, 1952

It was about a little over a month after Jack had gotten his win in the Senate, and he had finally made it back to D.C. in order to head to all of the congratulatory parties that his friends had hosted for him, along with heading back up to Hyannisport for Thanksgiving.

Due to the level of enthusiasm that Jack had experienced since becoming elected Senator, Jack and Jackie hadn't been left with much time to see each other. Jack had made his promised visit a few days after election night, but other than that, Jackie hadn't seen too much of Jack.

Jack, at this point was beginning to put away some of his items that he had in his office from when he was a representative. It was mostly small things, such as putting away photographs, or boxing personal books away that Jack wanted to keep and bring to his senate office. Jackie often helped when she could, but now, although the election was over, she still had plenty to do.

Jackie was beginning to conduct interviews for some of the new men that were entering the Senate, and other various positions of the newly elected politicians. Although she hadn't been working as hard on the streets asking random men and women for questions that they couldn't comprehend, Jackie had been put to task by interviewing the politicians, and finishing the latest ties on the campaign trail. Also, the articles offered a new insight to the men that were elected to office, and it often attracted more readers.

Her boss had loved how well she had covered the campaign, and had asked for her to move on and begin and interview some of the new senators of her choice as they were getting ready to take the step into office. As usual, Jackie's first option was to interview Jack. Mostly because she could spend time with him.

Jack and Jackie stood together on the steps of the capitol, Jack fidgeting in his suit jacket, and playing with the cuff links, while Jackie began to fiddle around with her camera, trying to calibrate the film in order to make sure that the picture would come out perfect.

Using a flash bulb camera, Jackie had been adjusting the lens, along with making sure that everything was in order before taking another picture of Jack. Reaching into her bag, she had begun to adjust the bulb carefully; the fragile lamp was only good once.

"So," Jack began, adjusting his stance in front of the capitol building. "Now that the election's over, what do you plan on doing in the mean time? You don't have any more politicians to interview in order for the election."

"Then I'll just interview the elected ones, then." Jackie mused.

"Who are you going to start with?" Jack asked, a smile on his face.


"Well then, give me a few practice questions."

"Okay." Jack gave Jackie a dazzling smile, causing for her to blush.

I don't think that no matter how long he smiles like that, I'll blush every time.

"What's the first question?"

"They say that Irish are deficient in the art of love.  Do you agree or disagree?"  

"I don't think that the Irish have said anything about having a heart."  Jack joked, flashing Jackie a smile.  

"One more.  Are you excited in order to tackle on this new position in the Senate?"  

"Oh, of course.  I'm sure that there are plenty of challenges that must be met in this country in order to keep it from dire straits.  I know that these months aren't certainly are going to be easy, but I'm certainly willing to take on the challenge.  I'm more than happy to represent my home state of Massachusetts."  

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