|| Old Secrets ||

998 22 10

September 1952

Jackie was typing at her desk furiously, the clacking of her  typewriter filling her ears.  She bit her lip in concentration, and quickly glanced over at her notes, making sure that she had everything written down in her small yellow notepad.  

She brushed her hand against a picture on her cluttered desk, and she could feel some of the wet ink smudge against her arm, causing for her to glance down at the photo, and for her to blush.  

It was from the last campaign speech that Jack had been to against Henry Cabot Lodge.  She had taken the photos of the two candidates after the speech, and she couldn't help but stare at Jack's picture and smile to herself.  The black ink defined his sharp jawline, and his authoritative, but suave demeanor, and Jackie knew that once everyone saw that picture, they would be enraptured with the Senator, like she was.   

She hadn't seen much of Jack in person lately, he had been far too busy campaigning.  Whenever he had managed to sneak into town, he would always take her out to dinner or to a movie before he would have to get on a plane and head over to the next campaign spot in Massachusetts.

He had managed to make it work, however, the less and less they saw each other, it lead for their encounters to be very different from when they had first started going out.  

It was obvious to Jackie that she was in a relationship with Jack, but he obviously didn't like to show it with presents and little gifts.  His were more thoughtful then that.  He would give her books and things that he had read while on the campaign, and tell her that she should read them.  The two bonded over knowledge, each book a new journey into a new insight that they had never read about.  

Although Jackie loved his thoughtful mementos, she much more enjoyed spending time with him in person, if it was going out to dinner, seeing a movie, or even spending time alone with him.

Just thinking about it brought color to her cheeks.  Since they hadn't been able to see each other, it led for the two to put as much passion into whatever interaction that the two had.  Spending time alone together in a car pulled off to the side on the road led to lustful make-out sessions was something that had now begun to happen more often.  For Jackie, she wasn't always happy that Jack wasn't around all the time, but those special moments did give Jackie something to look forward to.  

Jackie put her head on her chin, and began to read over with what she had already written, Jack still in the back of her mind.

As if, almost by magic, her often phone began to ring.  She went to go pick it up like usual, 

"Hello, this is the Inq-"  She was cut off before she even had the chance to speak.

"Jackie!"  Jack's voice came through, cutting her off.  

"Jack!"  Jackie answered in eager anticipation.  Twirling the telephone cord around her finger, she began by saying, "Well, what a coincidence.  I was just typing up the highlights from your last debate with Lodge."  

"Really now?"  Jack asked before joking, "Are you painting me in the best possible light?"  Jack asked, a smile evident in his voice.  

"Of course, Jack.  What do I owe the pleasure of your call?"  Jackie asked.  

"I'm swinging up into town for a little while.  I was wondering if you would mind if I took you on a date tonight?"  Jack asked.  

"That's something I could never refuse,"  Jackie purred into the phone, and Jackie could hear Jack chuckle on the other end.   "When are you coming in?"  Jackie asked, checking her watch, seeing that it was 2:27 in the afternoon.

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