|| Emotions Unearthed ||

942 21 12

October, 1951

One week later

It was after office hours, and many other representatives had gone home to see their families  and eat dinner.  However, Jack was still at the office, his mind in deep thought. 

Although his interview with Jackie was almost a week ago, he still couldn't shake it off him. 

He couldn't place it, but there was just something about that interview that he couldn't let go. 

His mind dwindled back to that day, where Jackie had come to see him.  It was a fun time for the most part.  Jackie certainly had a sense of humor, and she loved to tease.

It made him smile when she picked fun at his lunch.  They both knew it was horrible, but Jack didn't have the time to make anything better. 

He thought about her interview, and thought about what she said, about him being the youngest bachelor. 

There are too many unhappy marriages, why would I want to be apart of that? 


"Mum, I don't want you to go!" A young 6 year old Jack begged, following his mother into her bedroom.

"John, I need to get away." A young Jack put his tiny hands on the bed, and shook his head. 

"No, Mummy!  I want you to stay!  What-" Jack didn't want to say it, but it constantly was playing on his mind. 

What if I get sick again?  What if Mummy isn't there?  I- I don't want to be alone!  It's scary when I'm sick!  What if something really bad happens to me?

"John, what is it?" His mother asked in a stern voice.  She clearly didn't want to be bothered with his antics. 

"What if-" his voice got quieter as he shrank towards the floor.  "What if I get sick again? I- I don't want to be alone.  I... I get scared."

His mother continued to shove her nice clothes into suitcases.  She was making it clear to escape and run away from all of her problems before Joe got home. 

  As she was packing, Rose snapped, "John, you have everyone else here to be with you.  Your have your nanny, and all of your brothers and sisters.  They'll be there for you."

John shook his head, trying to make his mother understand that he wanted her love and attention, not someone else's. 

Jack knew that his mother often loved his older brother, Joe Jr.  He was the apple of his parents' eye.  He always did everything... Better.  Jack couldn't compete. Joe was the strong one, whereas Jack was the sickly one.  It wasn't fair. 

Then, his sister Rosemary, also known as Rosie, really received a lot of attention from her mother.  Since she was 'special' as her mother called her, they spent a lot of time together bonding.

Aren't I special too? Why don't I get to bond with my mum?

"Mummy, I want you!  My siblings don't care, and I don't want my nanny!  I want you to stay here with us!  Please!  I don't want you to leave me alone!"

Jack could feel the familiar burn in the back of his throat as his mother ignored him.  He could feel his eyes well up with tears, at the thought of being left alone again. 

"I don't want you to go!  I want you to stay!  Please!  I don't want to be left alone, I want you!" Jack began begging with desperation, trying to convince her to stay.  With all of his determination, he began to cry. 

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