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Early June, 1953

Yes or no.

Jack never thought that two little words would be giving him so much stress.

He was waiting at the airport, his stomach performing acrobatics. 

With a bouquet of red roses resting comfortably in the crook of his arm, he was tapping his polished shoe on the airport's floor, anxiously awaiting Jackie's arrival.

For the past three days since he had asked her, Jack's stomach had been twisted in knots. He felt like he had put everything on the line in the past few days, and now he was going to get the answer that he had so desperately waited for.

He knew that asking Jackie for her hand in marriage was something that his father wanted, partially out of practicality.  However, he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Jackie.

People brushed past him without giving a single care, and Jack's eyes constantly scanned the steady stream of individuals walking out of the gate from their flights.

Jackie had flown into Logan Airport in Boston, as it was one of the few airlines that flew international.

Jack looked at his watch; 1:00 PM, Jackie's flight had landed shortly and had Jack could feel his heart rate begin to increase, knowing that Jackie was going to be walking out of the gate. Then after that it was just a simple answer.

Yes or no.

Jack craned his neck and began to stand up on his tiptoes to see if he could see Jackie's small frame darting out of the custom inspections with her bags; instead he found one of his old flings running towards him.

Zhazha Gabor. Jack was surprised, because out of all the people at Logan Airport, she was the last person that he had expected to see leave the flight. The pair locked eyes, and Zhazha's lit up in excitement, pushing through the crowds in order to get to him.

"Jack!" She exclaimed, putting her handbag on her suitcase, and throwing her arms around Jack's neck. She began to press kisses onto his cheek and lips, giggles escaping her throat.

 At first, with as much restraint as Jack could, he tried to push her off of him, and Jack found her grip to be stronger than she had thought.  After not receiving such affection in days, Jack wrapped his arms around her, and picked her up in the air, and gave her a little twirl.

He looked above her head to see Jackie pushing through the crowd. The pair saw each other, and the two locked eyes, and Jack saw hers light up. The light soon vanished, and flashed with a sign of hurt.

At first confused, Jack realized that it was the sight of Zhazha wrapped around him was the sight of her worries.

Jack began to push Zhazha off harder as Jackie approached. He knew that he was going to have to break the ice between the two, to explain to Jackie that it wasn't what she thought it was.

"Jackie!"  He exclaimed, and Jackie walked over to him, a smile on his face.

The time in England had done her well.  Jackie looked prettier as ever.  Her full lips were plump and red, she was wearing eye shadow that made her eyes sparkle.  Her arms were nicely tanned.  After weeks not seeing her, Jack found Jackie more beautiful and breathtaking than he had seen.  It was worth the wait.

"How are you?" He asked, and before he could say anything else, Jackie leaned forward, and grabbed his black silky tie, and pressed her lips against his.

Today's full of surprises.

Jack found himself lost in the kiss; he had been waiting for this moment for so long. He could smell Jackie's intoxicating perfume swirling around him, pulling Jack in further. It had been weeks since the two had any intimate interactions, and he certainly didn't hesitate.  Her lips were soft but firm, and telling Jack exactly how she felt.  After what seemed like minutes, Jackie pulled away gently, her eyes twinkling seductively.

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