|| The Wedding ||

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September 12, 1963

Jack stood in front of the mirror, combing his hair, making sure that it was styled to absolute perfection. 

He began to fiddle with his his white silk tie, making sure that the tie was knotted neatly and tightly, in order to give off the best presentation to Jackie, along with all of the numerous crowds that were showing up to the wedding. 

Jack began to slip on his white gloves, and began to tap his foot with anxiousness. 

Part of Jack was excited, he loved Jackie, and he knew that out of all the women that he had ever dated, that Jackie was the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.  She was the perfect one for him, she had everything that he ever wanted in a woman.

She was beautiful, gracious, educated, gentle, witty...Jackie was everything that Jack ever wanted.

However, something else came to his mind. Infidelity. Other women.

For as long as Jack could remember, he had a drive in order to satisfy his needs with women. It didn't matter who it was, or what they looked like. A woman was just there to satisfy him and his needs, that was all. Jackie was more than that, though. But he didn't want to have her find out about the others.

Am I supposed to give all of my other women up once I'm married? He thought as he continued to better his image.

"How are you feeling?"  Bobby asked, glancing at his older brother, smiling at the nervous look in his eyes. 

"How do I look?"  Jack asked, turning to look at his brother.  

"You look fine, Jack.  Besides from that blind-side hit that I gave you yesterday."  The brothers had a match of touch football in Hyannisport, and during the game, Jack had gotten pushed into the rose bushes.  He now bore a massive cut from the thorns on his right cheek. 

"How's Jackie doing?  Have you heard?"  He asked again, the questions flying out of his mouth before he could even answer his brother's. 

"I'm sure Jackie's fine, Jack, and probably is the same bundle of nerves that you are."  Jack rolled his eyes, letting for him to give an  impromptu shrug, covering up his concerns. His cool, slick exterior seemed to mask how he was truly feeling.

Jack turned back to the mirror in order to fix the white carnation in his breast pocket, adjusting the soft white flower carefully.

"I'm doing well, brother. Why would I be nervous?" He replied, not meeting his eyes.

Bobby let out a laugh before slapping his shoulder. "Seriously, Jack, do you think that you can fool me? I've gone through the same thing that you have when I married Ethel. No matter if you think you're ready or not, there's still a tinge of fear of the unknown. You're embarking into uncharted territory that you've never had to deal with before. Being married, having a wife, having someone to look after and take care of... It's a lot to handle when you've never had to deal with that before."

Jack bit his lip, turning his head towards the floor to look at his polished shoes.

"What if..." He began, his voice quiet. He then managed to look Bobby in the eye, saying quietly, "What if... I can't be a good husband?"

The question hung in the air, and Bobby knew that Jack didn't need to elaborate further. He knew what he meant.

What about if Jack couldn't be faithful?

Bobby sucked in his cheeks before putting both of his hands on his brother's shoulders.

"Jack." He began. "I know you, and I know your...interests. Remember, you're making that vow before God, you need to be faithful to her."

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